
How can you tell your dad you lost your phone?

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i want to tell my dad that i lost my hpone and i know hes gonna be really mad so any ways to say it i dont know hmmm better.




  1. tell him someone stole it! or u dropped it in a toilet at school

  2. Make sure you do great things before telling him. Like do more chorus without being asked, clean your room, and just be overall a good child. So when you have to break the bad news to him, all the good stuff you did before will be like a cushion.

    Think of it as an airbag in a car. You need to install the airbag for the collision ahead :D

  3. just think of something sad and cry and tell him so he can feel sad

  4. be honest dad im sorry but i lost my virginity...PHONE lol

  5. Just go up to him and say... "Dad, you seen my phone?"

  6. Well I lost my 200 dollar camera and it was really tough. My parents did get mad, but they also said that I had to buy the next camera I want to get. So just tell him the truth. Never lie about it because then he'll learn to never trust you again. I would check EVERYWHERE you have been with your phone and maybe you can find it. I would try calling it on someone else's phone also. Who knows, maybe you and your dad could look for it together. Good Luck!

  7. I would rather you straight be honest with him no matter how upset he gets! He will get over it!

  8. dont do it in person. just send him a text message

  9. Man, I remember when I lost my expensive cell phone my dad gave me.

    I couldn't tell him I lost it so I decided to make up a story: I was robbed. So I used a door k**b to give myself a black eye. I punched myself in the mouth but it would not bleed so I took some strawberry jelly and rubed in down my face.And, I tore my clothes up to look like I was attacked. Then, I threw my backpack into the lake next to our house and ran home crying, "help Ive been attacked." Man, It worked like a charm.

  10. Dad. Dont be mad. I already feel really bad about it. But.... I lost my cell phone. Ive tried to find it everywhere! I even got my friends to look at thier houses, and I still cant find it.  

  11. hhmm if it happened to me I would just tell him straight up "I lost my phone" so he can cancle it or help look for it. Get a job and start paying for your own stuff so your parents cant get mad it something happens to it. Best thing i ever did! :)

    You could always try alittle lie if you really dont want to tell him..

    Dad... my phone slipped out of my pocket in the bathroom at school and feel in the toliet! I didnt want to reach in to get it because I thought i saw it sparking.

  12. Tell him soon, because if someone finds this phone and racks up a huge bill, your going to be in much more trouble.

  13. how long has it been gone!

    if theres a chance you can find it you should check everywhere first!

    but if you dont just tell him theres no good way to tell him he will still be upset but the sooner the better!

  14. he would kill me

  15. Just be honest, if he gets pissed mention that and it should calm him down a bit.

  16. I know this always works:

    ''Dad!! GUESS WHAT!! Yesterday, deadly ninjas came out of nowhere and demanded I gave them a phone or they would chop my head off, so I had to do it, then they vanished!!''

    Just tell him the truth, he'll find out sooner or later, the plain truth is always better, even If he'll get mad...

  17. Just come clean and get it over with.  Im sure your going get chewed out but it is better to get it over with then worrying forever.  

  18. you have to tell him in one point or another...I lost mine in high school and i had to tell my mom even though i knew she would get really mad...stupid mexicans stole mine

  19. Just tell him! He might be mad, but it happens to everyone. It needs to be turned off so that whoever finds it doesn't rack up your bill. And if you have insurance on it you can probably just get a new one.

  20. if you can afford a new one say you took your other one in for repair and it will take atleast a week or 2, then buy a replicer of you old one secound hand from a auction sight or just a cheepie. thats what i told my parents.

  21. just tell him as soon as u can choose a day he seems to have a good mood and tell him :) luck  

  22. well tell him dad im really sorry and i deserve any punishment u give me i was dumb to loose it and i'm sorry then start crying

  23. you might as well tell him ow hun

    because someone could pick it up and run the bill up high

    like to 1000

    tell him now so you can turn it off

    he'll get madder if you wont tell him

  24. how'd ya lose it?

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