
How can you tell your parents that kids at school keep messing with you???

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like my mom will be like just ignore them but i cant i get mean comments everyday i go to the councilor of the school but they really don't do anything but talk to the kids and they still keep messing with me and i don't really want to tell my mom because its to hurtful to talk about and then it seems like the people of your race actually pikes with me more then the people of other races and i know you might say its because they are jealous but what can they be jealous of ME for... no reason i can think of and i cant take it any more and my mom already has things on her mind enough and we've only been in school for a week and the torture has started back worse than ever... help me please




  1. just simply tell em

    if they dont listen than theyre morons

  2. Yes that's ridiculous, why are they doing it and what do they say when they do it? is it something in particular they pick on you for? - is it something you can change? would you change it...?

    Your mom will want to know, I know she seems busy, but she will would want you to tell her this. I would want my son to tell me, even if he didn't want me to interfere, I could at least be there for him when he'd had a bad day of it.

    On the other hand, maybe they've just "missed you" and think they can get a good fix of being mean now you're back. If you were reacting to it, STOP and just walk off or walk past without saying anything. Mostly they are doing this for a reaction, if they stop getting one, they will move on to someone else, you must bite your tongue and walk off. It's totally not worth it, just let them be and ignore it. If you are not sure, just try it for a week. If it doesn't work, I'll fly to Chicago and Mommy-thump 'em for you :)

  3. aww hunny.

    bullying sucks doesnt it?

    that kinda happened to me in grade 7 but it was alot worse.

    i actaully ended up switching schools.

    would you ever consider that?

    i think you should tell your mom everything thats going on..

    maybe she just doesnt undertstand how bad it is.

    i know it can be hard to talk about,

    you could write her a letter if that would help at all

    huugs :)  

  4. please tell your mom

    i would be heartbroken if i thought my baby was going through this and couldn't tell me. Your mom will want to know. Tell a teacher also, often they talk to the bully's parents and if my child was bullying i would want to know that too, and i would sort her out.

    Please don't keep this to yourself sweetie, a problem shared is a problem halfed, and all that,,,,,,,,,

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