
How can you telling if someone is smoking?

by  |  earlier

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  1. I can telling

    just by smelling

  2. the smell


  3. they have the smell of thc and tobacco on them  

  4. Where there is Smoke, there's fire. But never dip or chew, and expect to swap spit with some cutie pie

  5. they are hold a  cigarette up to their mouths and puff on it, then you see smoke come out of their  mouth. and then they repeat that whole thing

  6. they smellllllll

  7. By the smell of their clothing, their hair or their always lingers everywhere they've been.

  8. you can smell  they breath doh.

  9. you can smell  

  10. They have a lit cigarette in their mouth

  11. You can smell it.

  12. I used to smoke,  I had no idea that I stunk like a old bum on a street corner,  that is how you  tell, your nose will know

    When I am in a shop, and a smoker walks by me , ugh

    I am so glad I gave it up, so I smell good!!!!   Yeah

    I will shut up now   ( :

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