
How can you train a dog , not to s**t on the street ?

by  |  earlier

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is there a way ? or am i asking the impossible




  1. Always take the dog out on a lead.  Take him to the place you want him to go.  Tell him "go poopy" and be prepared to stand around for a long time.  I find a place where there's shrubs or the grass isn't mowed is best.  Be consistent every single time and eventually he will go right to that spot and p**p on command.

  2. well, if u mean while taking him for a walk, then listen to this. about 3-5 minutes before your walk, take your dog outside, on the back/front yard, so then it can pee and c**p all it wants to. then u can go around for a walk afterwards. but if your dog DOES c**p on the street, make sure u put some small bags in your pocket/purse or something, so then u can pick it up, and then throw it in the trash. hope ur dog doesn't **** on the street anymore! (oh and don't feed your dog 15 minutes before your walk.!)

  3. stick a cork in its A R S E !!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Um... well to put it plainly, to them it smells like c**p anyway so they think why not. But it's the same as potty training as a puppy. Just tell them no, bad dog in a stern voice and pull them to where they are supposed to go.

  5. Umm... give it an opportunity to relieve itself somewhere else? Most dogs will go where you give them the opportunity. If you don't want it going in the street, take it for a walk, and give it somewhere else to go......

  6. No........... But you can train the dumb *** owner to pick it up!!!

  7. feed him same time everyday and he will take a dump around about the same time everyday, soon as you learn his routine,  wait for for him to have his dump

    then take him out.

    my dog is weird, he wont s**t anywhere else except out our back on the patio, obviously he will pee anywhere., but only s**t out his own back garden..weirdo.

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