
How can you tryout for the Canadian Football League?

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I'm from the USA and I wanted to know how can you get to tryout on a Canadian Football League. Also is there a sit where you can go and give them your information.




  1. Some teams will have open tryouts and if you've got an agent or references, put them to use. Contact the teams directly, that's your best bet

    A guy I know had some football experience in the CIS but didn't pursue a football career. 3 years later when Hamilton was really struggling he got a letter in the mail inviting him to their open tryout.

  2. If you don't have an agent, you are not likely to get anywhere.

    The last time a CFL team held open try-outs in the USA, it was the non-defunct Ottawa Renegards who were running out of money, and those try-outs got the players no where!

  3. 10 years ago while working a football camp in Massachuesetts I saw a flyer on the locker room wall from the Hamilton T cats for an open try out in Hamilton. This was at a division 3 college so they were looking for players from anywhere to try out. I say contact the CFL league office or send out tapes to each team.

  4. A couple good answers above me.  Get a video tape of your workouts to send to teams.  Have your former school coaches help sell yourself for a tryout.  As a free agent, you're going to have to market yourself.  

    As an American, you need to know the league has an import rule and generally certain roster spots are most likely to be reserved for a Canadian.

    You're also going to have to learn quite a few new rules.

  5. Generally you need to be drafted just like the NFLers.

    We have a restriction on import players otherwise the league would be almost all American players.  Actually, the CFL is great football for fans fo watch.  Much more entertaining than the NFL even though our athletes aren't quite as skilled.

    Having said that what I'd do is get someone who is a good communicator, knows you and football and have them contact the CFL teams on your behalf.  Have him act as your agent and let them know you'd like a walk on tryout.  You'd be paying your own expenses to get to camp, but at least you'd get your shot.

    good luck.

    BTW, do some research and learn the differences between NFL and CFL ball.  It'll help you at camp if you know the rules.

  6. According to CFL there is no general tryout camps. Interested parties shall contact individual team for tryout.

  7. each team has their own tryout, not a general CFL tryout.

    here is the argos tryout info

  8. I heard american player must first participate in the NFL draft before CFL will accept them...or its the other way around im not sure

  9. call up all the teams and ask when they have their "free for everyone" tryouts."

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