
How can you visually tell a Spanish/Hispanic man from an Italian?

by Guest59672  |  earlier

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They look alike!




  1. Hispanic men are about 50% European and about 40% Semitic, and about 7 or more % Native American, not all, a few. so there is a physical difference in the nose mainly because the Italians seem to have a certain nose which is prominent.

    The Hispanics have the Spanish nose, not large,

  2. Same way you tell a Norwegian from a Swede.

  3. There is a big difference between Spanish and Hispanic. Hispanic people in the Americas will have mixed with lots of other races.

    There is no sure-fire way as Spain and Italy are both Mediterranean countries and share a lot of genetic similarity because of both barbarian/celtic blood and roman blood. However, Spanish people will have a little more 'Arabic'/Moor genetic traits, because of Arabic settlements in places like Cordoba. Look for signs like tough, dark hair and melanin "beauty spots" .

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