
How can you warn someone about someone else?

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It's not out of jealousy it's just out of the fact that you know they will get hurt and you are trying to protect them. Is there a way or should they just find out on their own?




  1. let them find out on their own and just be there for them when it happens.

  2. email them, I know I'd like to be warned if it was me, and would be glad you cared.

  3. Email them and hope that they understand that your motives are good.

  4. You can't make the final decision for them, but by being there for them, and being honest about what you know or suspect, goes a long way towards being the best friend you can be.

  5. Send a letter

  6. open mouth move jaw

    you should hear a noise

    no but really just stay out of it  

  7. Nonchalantly tell them a story about what happened to you with that person.

  8. I don't think there's anything wrong stating your opinion or giving advice.  But after you do, just leave it in their hands and let them make their own decisions.  All you can do is be there as a friend through the good and even more so for the bad.

  9. unless you find the person could be dangerous, it's best to let them find out on their own. most of the time people don't believe you and then they'll get mad at you for saying something.  

  10. if the person that is hurting that other person told you that you shouldn't say anything.If you find out and that person who will be hurt  is your friend,you better tell him.If both are your friends,shut up and pretend you don't know anything

  11. It all depends. If you're close with this person and they generally trust your opinion, then I'd go ahead and speak up. But unfortunately some people aren't open to advice and opinions and won't listen. At that point you just have to let it run it's natural course and be there with a shoulder to cry on at the end.  

  12. I think it's a good idea to tell them. No harm in giving a heads up, right?

  13. Don't say may be wrong, that person may not get hurt. And if you are right let that person live there own life and make their own mistakes

  14. As he was not seen tell  another to communicate the warning to   him

  15. If you hate to see people getting hurt, then just tell them, send them an email, a text message, IM, something to warn them, explain your feeling towards the issue you are discussing with them.

    That's what I would do and I would like to have that done to me as well

    Hope this helps  

  16. You can tell them...but we all must learn from our own mistakes.....just be there when they need you....♥

  17. I think that if you want to protect someone you should tell them. But it is important in some circumstances that they find out certain things for themselves. For example if you friends boyfriend is cheating on her and you know it. You would automatically think to tell her, right? Well, if you have ever had someone cheat on you and been told about it by someone you would know how painful that is. You feel stupid because that person saw the problem and you didn't. Then you have to go through with confrontation and all that. Sometimes it's best to just let things naturally happen. But it is probably a good idea to drop some hints if necessary.

  18. Just tell them honestly face to face. If you know they'll get hurt don't stand by!

  19. the best thing to do is not to say anything seriously! let the person make their own mistake

  20. One of the great parts of life is traveling your own journey and learning from your own path.  You have to be careful about trying to protect someone in this manner b/c you are surely going to be called to verify everything if she decides to approach this individual with the information you have provided.  Is this protection worth your own involvement?

  21. Could you be more specific? It's hard to answer this question without knowing about the circumstances.  All I can tell you right now is to just tell them that you are warning them because you care about them.  Is it something serious?  It's about a guy, right?

  22. just let them find out on their own.  

  23. You can't. reason being they will never heed you advise and it could ruin your friendship. best thing to do it let them find out on there own. or lead them to find out on there own.  

  24. Write it across your chest and then take your top off.  That's usually the best way to tell me something without me getting distracted

  25. Radio annoucement, Messages in a airplane, Screaming to a megaphone, theres sooo many things....

    Now for real... it depends honey. Depends on the situation and on your realtion with those people. If its someone you love and is closed to you , do what is best for them and if not....dont get in the way or it might hit you back


  26. If you care about them just come right out and tell them.  

  27. Use your words

  28. Go to my profile page then copy and paste the link, then send out mass e-mails to everyone warning them against me...

    that way everyone will be safe and me and you can be alone just like you said you wanted it to be like...

    i know dear...but no need to thank me....

  29. Be direct and honest and understand that they are not going to believe you esspecially if there may be a chance for jealousy. I know you said you arent but it may seem like it to her so she might reject you for a while until she sees it for herself at which point she will need you more then ever to pick up the pieces for her.

  30. Insufficient info.

    Is this person your friend? A co-worker? A family member? Do you have specific, reliable info about the person you are issuing the warning about?

    An anonymous note is a great tool...especially when you type/print it and put it in an envelope and have someone else write on the outside of the envelope, "From a friend".  

  31. Just tell them....if they chose not to take your advice it is on them!  Good luck!

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