
How can your mom and sister be against you for your mistakes

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How can your sister and mother turn on you? just because I've done mistakes in my life they hold it against me now I don't talk to them.




  1. Well, I think the only time it would be justified for you to stop talking to your mother and sister, or other immediate family member, would be if they are verbally abusive to you.  Otherwise, I don't see how severing all communication could solve any relationship problem.  I hope it works out for you in the end, and if not, I hope you can move forward in a healthy way.

  2. What have you done exactly? Was anything that really hurt them emotionally or was it something else? I personally believe, that your family is your family and you have to stick with them through thick and thin.

  3. My mom and sister stopped talking to me for four years because they didn't agree with my actions. My actions had NOTHING to do with either of them. We made up but my mom couldn't stop being ugly, so I recently cut ties with her. Sometimes people are so toxic that you just have to cut your losses.

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