
How cars on a highway are a good analogy for the concept of electric current?

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How cars on a highway are a good analogy for the concept of electric current?




  1. I think the concept of running water better illustrates electric current.

    The water only flows in one direction same as electricity.

    Unless there is a flood, the water follows its course as does electricity.

    If water floods it can do great harm. If electricity escapes its wires, it can do great harm.

    Both have wonderful uses, if used properly.

    I hope this helps you.

    Good luck!

    Al Letcher for President 2008

  2. "Stop and Go" traffic has no electrical analogue.  For certain "steady state" situations, I believe that you are right, but some if the time, you need to model the cars as particles.

    In this sense, the other answer is correct.  Some fluid flow problems (low density) require individual fluid particles to be modeled.

    There are analogies between fluid flow and electricity (Voltage = pressure; Amperage = flow; resistance in electrical circuits is similar to pipe size in fluid flow).  Like most analogies, at some point they break down.  A is like B only to a point.  Then you have to con side the differences between A and B.


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