
How cena wrestles ?

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why do a lot of people say cena only has 3 or 5 moves and he cant wrestle when if u were to go on wikipedia it shows he has 15 Finishing and signature moves and if u were to wrestle him u would surely lose




  1. because most of them where when he was in upw and ovw it says right next to them

  2. but cena only does 5 moves

  3. John Cena's detractors cannot count above 5, so they start over every time. Not only would they lose if they got in the ring with him, they would find out how strong he truly is. When you can't lift the Great Khali and FU him, that's pretty good.

  4. well, lets go ahead and burst your bubble. that restling is fake, they dont really wrestle. before the season even starts they already know who is going to win the whole thing. so really who cares what his moves are since they are all stage acts.

  5. g*y

  6. idk but i love him

  7. Well he usaully does 3 or 5 moves in his matches

    because hes boring as **** to watch in the ring

  8. ur rite he does i hate it wen people say he stinks

  9. This is a good point. Cena actually as alot more moves then many other wrestlers. Like... oh i dont know, Edge! Geez people do your research before badmouthing one of the most hardworking people in the WWE.
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