
How challenging is a tandem kayak?

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My husband and I are going to participate in a biathalon. We want to be a tandem team, but have only kayaked seperatly. This won't be super competitive, but we want to finish. For the first time, will we be hitting each other in the head with paddles, or is it pretty easy to get the hang of?





  1. Cataraft is right, the only thing I would add:  be really patient with each other . Solo boats allow each of you a lot of independence... the tandem thing can turn into a control struggle if you get into the wrong mindset.  Focus on being a single entity in your boat.  It might be good to get a song in your head - with the right stroke rate that you want to maintain, and paddle to that.   The bow paddler needs a steady pace for the stern to follow, then you'll get the most out of the boat's glide, and both of your strengths.

    Have fun in your race!!

  2. Howdy.  I've tandem kayaked in white water on several's really not much different than solo kayaking.  The strokes are the same.  Typically the bow paddler sets the pace and the person at the stern matches their strokes to those of the person in the bow.  The person in the stern is responsible for using the occassional sweep-stroke or J-stroke, or even a ruddering motion, to keep the boat going where you want.  The bow paddler only helps steer (in whitewater, anyway) when rapid manuevering is required, usually with a draw stroke or sweep.

    Since you've both paddled solo before, I expect you'll figure it out in about 90 seconds!

  3. if you done it before, then thats a plus. u just need to row together, thats the way to do it... good luck

  4. A few problems...who will be in front? Husband usually wants to occupy 'Hiawatha' position, back seat. Who is tallest? One solution, practice. Try both seating arrangements. Decide who will set stroke tempo. Again try. You have to practice before the event. What kind of a kayak are you going to use? Down River or Slalom? Working out a roll will be fun.

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