My sister-in-law's car broke down on her return from visiting us. My husband towed her back and deposited the car at the garage over the road from us. They did a brief check on it the following day and told her it would need far more money than she had for a thorough check, and far, far more money than she has for a new engine which is would more likely need. She decided to scrap it and the garage said they could do this but would she please send up the log book before they could do anything with it. They reckoned they could get her £60 for it.
She sent it up and I popped in today to see what was happening - not really expecting any money for it! Anyway, they put a new engine in it and put it on ebay. !! It didn't even make half of what they were expecting so it's now for sale in freeads.
Can they do this?? I can't decide how cheeky this is!
I was likening it to someone nicking something out of our skip and selling it - surely that's ok, to take advantage of someone's trash??