
How close am i to going into labor?? (estimated of course)?

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I have been having really bad pelvic pain, sometimes I can barely walk

I have been having a lot more vaginal discharge

Last week the dr. said I was dilated 1cm

Are these symptoms of getting ready to go into labor?




  1. bad pain every 5 min untill u cant stand it anymore thats when u should go  

  2. I don't know how far along you.  but make sure its like the normal vaginal discharge and that it doesn't have an odor to it. I've heard of some women thinking it was vaginal discharge and it actually being amniotic fluid.  

  3. (This is my husbands account) I gave birth to my first baby 6 weeks ago, I had bad pelvic pain on and off for a couple of weeks before she was born and my vaginal discharge increased during the last month or so of pregnancy. 1cm dilated isn't much really, you could be 1cm dilated for a couple of weeks before going into labour. If this is your first baby it is likely to be late, sorry to tell you that, mine was almost 2 weeks overdue. Hope this is of some help, best of luck with the birth!

    PS- get an epidural- its fantastic!!

  4. How often are you having the pelvic pain? Is it contractions or just pelvic pain? Vaginal discharge could be you losing your mucus plug and that could mean anytime from a couple hours to days. Good luck

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