
How close are we to have soon an alternative green power fuel instead the oil fuel?

by Guest63281  |  earlier

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How close are we to have soon an alternative green power fuel instead the oil fuel?




  1. We already have them, but they just aren't readily available. To find out why ask your local, and federal government (and write the oil companies and the automotive companies).

  2. Although it's not perfectly green, the only short-term solution is nuclear fission.  Nothing else we have right now can replace the total energy output of fossil fuels.

    What's after that?  Maybe nuclear fusion, but it's several hundred years from being practical (if ever).

  3. "Even though ZAP!, the Santa Rosa-based electric vehicle dealer, is happy to accept your $25,000 reservation fee, neither the Zap-X nor its smaller sister, the Zap Alias, actually exists yet. Not even as working prototypes. Between the lofty performance claims and ZAP!'s mixed financial history (which includes a bout of Chapter 11 back in 2002), it is no wonder that staunch car realists are inclined to apply the vaporware label."

    wow- another pipe dream. similar to the magic "solar panel"!

    hopefully they make both, and YOU can buy them.

    i'll keep driving this:



  4. We already have it.  It's ethanol and it's made right here in America. It's priced $1 a gallon cheaper than gasoline.  It burns cleanly and is even being made via "green" means.  They are making it cleanly and fossil-fuel free from electricity generated by wind turbines in the midwest.   Here's the link:

    Cars running on ethanol, which is distilled from agricultural crops and biomass are governed by the same laws of physics as those using petrol in that both fuels emit CO2 as a consequence of combustion, however the crucial difference is that burning ethanol recycles CO2 because it has already been removed from the atmosphere by photosynthesis during the natural growth of agricultural crops.  A corn plant removes CO2 from the atmosphere and uses it to grow and produce cornstarch.  The plant is harvested and the cornstarch is fermented into ethanol.  The ethanol is burned and the cycle repeats.  No new net carbon is added to the atmosphere, unlike gasoline which spews tons of carbon into the atmosphere which has been trapped beneath the earth's surface for millions of years in the form of crude oil.

  5. If you're talking about transportation, electric vehicles are partially green and partially fossil fuel powered (depending on the power grid mix).  Overall they're much greener than gas cars, and even hybrids.

    We're only about a year or two from having some really cool electric vehicles available, as you can see in the article linked below.

  6. we have it but the powers to be are backed by the oil bigshots

  7. Its just around the corner and most don't even know it . But that was the plan from the beginning . Its going to start off like the cell phone started off . You use to see phone booths at every corner now your lucky to fined one . Same thing going to happen to the gas stations . People have to realize that times are changing like it or not hear they come

    This is the new energy of the world Go to Q&A it answers allot of questions for the command laymen

  8. about 500 years.. solar can not produce enough to power a city... wind power.. cant power a city block without having like 300 windmills.... water power.. well that works,,but not enough hydro plants to keep up... nuke power thats the way to go.. but the left wing enviromental wackos killed that in the 70s so we could use coal fire nasty power.. sell outs... and then well.,. thats it,,

    oil is cheap... you cant get better power for less money.

    so lets see

    windmills... hahaha

    solar.. OMG the number of cells needed is unreal.

    nuke.. could power the would cleanly

    hydro.. works really well... just not enough of them

    oil Cheap.. and easy to transport.. cant beat it with a stick

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