
How close are you to being a tramp? All you need to do is lose your job and not be able to get a new one.?

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How close are you to being a tramp? All you need to do is lose your job and not be able to get a new one.?




  1. I recently became unexpectedly unemployed (48 State truck driver) and it took a week of intensive phoning to get a BETTER job.

    As for tramps, that's very different from being homeless.  Hobos rode the rails in the 1930s and I must assume there are still "tramps".  But either there is a media conspiracy to keep us ignorant of alternate cultures or tramps have evolved cryptozoic methods.  For all we know, there may be a highly developed system of travel and communication, a whole subculture of "tramps" in America.  I'm not counting the "snowbirds" who live in motor homes and follow the seasons, although that is a form of "tramp".  Kind of a toss-up there between insane real estate prices and insane fuel prices.  Lots of retired folks doing that.

  2. Me personally? not to close.  But the american society will be soon if we don't start building some type of industry.

  3. For a number of reasons I retired at age twenty. I embraced poverty and have never been in want of anything because of friends. Sir, you've overlooked friends as a source of wealth.

  4. That is true for many people but not for me. I am my own boss, so I will not fire myself, will I? I inherited much money from my father too, so I need not work for anyone else.

  5. i guess it depends on your looks. beautiful ppl can find jobs easily.

  6. "That's why the lady is a tramp".....Frank

  7. Until the world stops eating I am safe....Chef :)

  8. By that definition I am very close to being a tramp. I am a temp who is currently getting only limited work. I am more close to being an actual hobo though as they are itinerant 'temps' of no fixed abode.

  9. It's obvious you don't know the meaning of the word "tramp."  It has absolutely NOTHING to do with being unemployed.

  10. your sole criterion for being a tramp is being unemployed?

    there were a helluva lot of tramps in the 80s then

  11. Very true I suppose but I think I'd be able to get a family member or friend to help support me....or just the government nowadays!

  12. Very close then if you consider I live at work. Omg you've depressed me my life is hanging on a thread. Really should get on with my report and stop wasting time on here.

  13. im 16, i live off my dads money.

    no problem in the meantime of being a tramp

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