
How close have you come to killing someone?

by  |  earlier

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Do you think its only a matter of time,before someone pushes you a little too far




  1. as if I'd tell you........

  2. On a couple of occasions,adults KNOW BETTER to start something,and then when it escalates then they wonder why you come so close to killing them! Well,duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

  3. Yea but I have common sense. Control yourself!

  4. I personally haven't come close to killing someone but my dad has.

    Whenever my dad and my step mom disagrees on something it always ends up in a "knock-down-drag-out" fight. That's why my mom isn't married to that crazy person anymore.But thats my problem and it is not occuring any longer so dont worry.

  5. Unlikely. That particular s***w isn't loose in my head.

    But hey, I'm ex military and I've served in the Gulf manning GPMG's. Never had to fire at anyone, but hey, had it come to it, better the other guy dies for his country than I die for mine.

    If I'd died, some tw@t reporter at the Sun would've written me up as a hero. They think anyone who stops a bullet is a hero at that 'newspaper.' A hero does something selfless. Getting shot does not make anyone a hero. It makes them unlucky.

  6. Yesturday, when my ex husband told porkies as to why he couldn't pick our son up, for the weekend. If I had a knife, I would have killed him there and then.

  7. People may get close to this point, be we all are, or should be clever enough to restrain ourselves.

  8. only once when some dirty little perv took a unhealthy interest in my daughter so i went after him

    I think he got the hint and knew not to even lay a finger on my kid,  

    (and b4 anyone says how do i know he is a Peado ............. because he has been charged with it b4 and they went on to house him next to a kiddies park)

  9. I'm an ex soldier !

  10. My Sisterr.. :@

    Shes Pregnant & Shess PISSINGG ME OFF Withh Her Slightly Frightenin Moood Swings


  11. Not even close or would consider hurting anyone let alone kill them.

  12. I had my knee on a guys chest, one hand on his throat and was picking my punches with my other. After blacking both his eye and selectively breaking his nose my guys pulled me off.

    I really had not intended to kill him, but after he hit me I went a bit berzerk. My buddies thought I would kill him and as the guy was pretty much unconscious they thought I should stop.

    He will probably be much more careful about who he hits in the future. Did I mention I hit his mouth so hard his teeth came through his lip? He still was not feeling much pain that night because he was hopped on PCP.

  13. I nearly killed myself and 3 other passengers by misjudging the overtaking of a large lorry..I just managed to get in front of the vehicle I was overtaking narrowly missing the oncoming lorry by  the skin of my and everyone elses teeth..Absolutely insanely close. We all thought we were gonna die...Still freaks me out and it happened 25 years ago. A Slight diversion from your question but I did feel totally responsible for endangering everyones life.

  14. Never happened to me thanks God.  My anger never crosses that line.

    God bless.

  15. I accidentally swung a knife, but that's about it.

    A slap with a nice big trout tends to settle arguments.

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