
How close is adhd to bipolar??

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How close is adhd to bipolar??




  1. You are comparing apples to oranges.  See a psychiatrist.

  2. idk

  3. I am 41 and treating myself for ADD, I sometimes feel what you are addressing.

  4. Adhd and unipolar are closer than bipolar. Bipolar is a chronic condition characteristic of mood swings that are not rapid but happen in unpredictable cycles of extreme lows and highs. Unipolar (depression), also chronic, is a long low mood cycling in waves of deep, deeper, and periodic leveling out over months or years.  Adhd patients exhibit unipolar symptoms.

  5. Well ADD ADHD and bipolar are have similar side effects.

    Bipolar is very different in the sense that a person goes from one extreme to the next with no determining factor as to why.

    People who are affected by ADD often have mood swings only because they're mind is cannot process all the information at a normal rate. Same with ADHD. Depression and behavioral problems are symptomatic of both attention disorders, though with bipolar the swings are much more dramatic.  

  6. They are completely different disorders.

    ADD/ADDHD is the inability to concentrate and keep focus.

    Bipolar (formerly manic depression) is a disorder characterised by severe bouts of depression which swing into extreme manic moods (super excited).

  7. lmfao, are you serious?

  8. I have both and they have very similar traits. but bipolar effects your mood you either feel so depressed you can't even move or get out of bed. or your manic (this where ADHD is alike) you can feel like your god. have a rush of ideas and get into tons of trouble. ( i once thought I could fly and took off all my clothes and was going to jump out the window) ADHD with not have psychosis like bipolar can.

    A good read on ADHD VS bipolar is :

    this page is more on childhood ADHD/bipolar but the stuff is similar.

    also ADHD must start when you are a child

  9. not close, adhd makes the child's mind wander or be distracted by something easily, bipolar is going through emotions in a blink of an eye

  10. Depends on what mood you're in, or were in, or ... what are we talking about? ...I'm bored.  No wait, I'm AWESOME.  Never been better.  ...I feel like crying.  Hmm, ice cream.  I wonder who'll when the world series next year.  This sucks.  Never been better.  What?

    ... if that sounds familiar than I'd say they're pretty much the same thing.  :P

  11. ADHD is just someone who is hyperactive, craves attention and needs it all the time. Bi polar is when someone suffers from extreme highs and lows. they are not close at all.

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