
How close is the relationship....?

by  |  earlier

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with Your hand?




  1. we are on a first name basis

  2. Pretty close.  I've had both of them as long as I can remember.  They go everywhere I go.  They do all of the rubbing, massaging, pinching and other things that I want them to do.  I think they do a pretty good job.  You should try them out.

  3. I like too jack off with it a lot so I guess were real close

  4. Intimate... my hand operates my computer mouse for me 15 hours a day

  5. thankfully we are quite distant friends but we are always happy to pick up where we left of in case of need x

  6. We are acquaintances.  My hand would like to find other friends - how about yours?

  7. Lefty is an a*****e by Righto is pretty d**n sweet to me. ;)


  8. We have an On/Off relationship.  When fiance is deployed, we are on....when he is home, hand and I cut all ties....

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