
How close to real boot camp is Full Metal Jacket to the "real thing" of Boot Camp and feel?

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How close to real boot camp is Full Metal Jacket to the "real thing" of Boot Camp and feel?




  1. Way different, they aren't allowed to hit you now. When my grandpa watched that movie with me he was laughing during most of the boot camp part since apparently that was tender loving care compared to what DI's used to do to him and other recruits.  

  2. the Marines use to be like that until to may people wined about getting abused. my friend told me the same he was in it for 10 year during and after nam

  3. As a graduate of Parris Island, Platoon 176, 1968, and after visiting Parris Island 4 times since then, the movie was very close but still lacked the true feeling.  Everybody couldn't wait to get off the island and there were only 3 ways, 1 graduate, 2 get kicked out 3 get medical discharge and one other way which is what caused the many changes seen today, in a body bag!

    We were 1st Battalion, we lived in the old WWII wooden barracks, no A/C for us and we all had to spend one week either on mess duty or base maintenance (no civilian contractors back then).

    And as to the M-14, if you want to hit your target at a 1000 yds, it will do it, the M-16, well lets put it this way, does the word Mattell mean anything to you.

  4. Sign up and find out.

  5. From what I went through, it's easier only in the way that they aren't "allowed" to hit you (not that they wont shove you really hard if you get in their way) but besides that, full metal jacket seemed a lot easier.  There was only one drill instructor running around yelling.  Imagine that with three or four, and more intensity, and not just for a couple hours of a movie; three months straight.

  6. Wulfen hit the nail on the head, thats what boot camp was for me during the Viet Nam war.

  7. At the time it was authentic, but today it's so far off the mark as to be historical! My DI was exactly like the one shown in the movie! He used that line about nothing comes from Texas except steers and q****s! Yes, I used an M-14 and hated it! No recoilless feature on that weapon! I thought the M-16 was a toy when I first held it!

  8. R Lee Ermy, was a DI in the Marine Corps during the time period that the movie covered.  In addition to being the DI in the movie he was also a technical adviser, and I'm sure that it was as realistic as they could make it and still make it work in a movie.  

  9. I got to Army Cadets and no full meatal jaket might have the facilites such as the Barraks and that but you usally have a good time get to know people have fun  

  10. You need to remember a few things. First and foremost, Full Metal Jacket is based off of how boot camp really was during the Vietnam War (which ran from 1959 to 1975). Specifically, it involves how boot camp was in 1963/1964 (based on the fact that they used the M14 rifle in boot camp in Full Metal Jacket and were issued M16s in Vietnam, and the Army didn't use M16s until 1964).

    Based on a 1964 figure, that image of boot camp is 44 years old. And I assure you, boot camp has changed significantly in those 44 years. Even in a mere span of 10 years, basic training for each branch can change drastically to reflect new technology and improved training methords.

  11. You want to see how boot camp for the Marines is really like?

    Here check this out make sure you watch all the parts....


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