
How closely do autistic children need to be supervised?

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We have a 5-year old neighbor who is not potty trained and does not communicate well. She is still in diapers, yet she roams the neighborhood shoes, no helmet when on her bike. I am considering calling social services, if she is not mentally of the age to be potty trained or communicate like a 5-year old, I wonder if she should be unsupervised outside so much. I don't have much experience with autistic children, so wondered if this is more of a concern than if it were a child without autism.




  1. A lot on how the child functions, but  considering her age, you're right to be very concerned.  A very high functioning child wouldn't appear that different and could possibly be trusted the same as you would trust any child.  I wouldn't allow a five year-old to wander the neighborhood alone regardless of whether he or she had autism. A lot of typically developing five year-olds could be trusted to stay in the front yard, and with another child, I might allow that.  It is possible that a child who functions like her might wander off unnoticed, but her parents would be out looking for her.

    My 11 year-old son is autistic and while he is not in diapers, he doesn't communicate well.  I would not allow him outside unsupervised under any circumstances.  While he understands dangers, he is not good at observing what is going on around him.  He could wander into a very dangerous situation.

    I would definitely call social services. The girl's parents need support and help in raising her.  

  2. I'll be honest with you...I work in Special Ed and depending on the severity of the problem depends on the amount of supervision. By reading what you wrote and since you have some concern, I think you should definately trust yoru instincts. I'd be a little worried too....I mean even a mentally healthy child need much more supervision that what your saying this child is receiving.  

  3. Hun i have to agree with the other poster my son Thomas pictured left is 10 he also has severe autism non verbal and also still in nappies/diapers, there is NO way i would allow Thomas to go out alone unsupervised he knows nothing about danger and he would i know go off with anyone, i think the mother is just terrible for allowing this to happen, there is times i would love to see him out the front of the house with the other children but you have to think about the safety side which this mum isn't doing, either this or shes having a hard time dealing with her child  and is allowing her to do as she pleases ..

  4. It dpends on the type of autisim and the severity of it. There are some types of autism where the child doesnt need any supervision. Although they are somewhat 'altered' they are able to live a generaly normal life. However there are also some people who need constant supervision. Alot of younger austic child, and those who are going threw puberty can be ver violent. It depends! You cant make judements.

    But 5 year old shouldnt be outside unsupervised either way. Autistic or not. I think you should call social services. Even if they dont take her away they may be able to help the family or possibly find a way for them to afford extra help.

  5. First talk to your neighbours. It may be that they don't think it's any problem or that they simply don't care about her. The fact that she is roaming the neighbourhood without any shoes kind of gives this away.

    No helmet on her bike kind of saids the same thing as it is the law to wear a helmet when riding in most areas. Although some parents don't really care.

    If your neighbours don't seem to listen or just dismiss what you are saying then I'd contact social services.

    A 5 year old roaming around the neighbourhood whether they are autistic or not is a problem as at that age they do not have the same danger detection as older children and adults (for instance they can't judge as well how far a car is from them when they are crossing the road)

    It depends on the severity at the autism but most children will have extra problems. Mostly due to the fact that their social and communication isn't as well developed or is different to a "normal" child.

  6. you should definitely call social services whether she is autistic or not she should not be unsupervised outside! there are a lot of sick people out there.

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