
How closely do you resemble your avatar?

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I see all of these avatars and I am wondering if folk look like they picture themselves or if it represents what they wish they were




  1. erm.............i do look like my avatar but i don't always pull that pouty face or have straight hair.............i have curly hair that's in a bun, most of the time...................

  2. I look EXACTLY like my avatar...

    haha, because it's my photo :-)

  3. I do for the most part. My hair color is the only thing that changes. It used to be pink but now it's blue so...I just don't feel like changing it on here. It looks better pink.

  4. I don't resemble it... It would be creepy if I did.

    The part under the weird brain thing sort of resembles me though, but no one can see it like this.

  5. I made myself as close to my real self as I could.  I think it resembles me pretty well.

  6. My avatar looks so much like me, it's uncanny.

    You have no idea how shocked I was to come to Y!A and see all these avatars that looked EXACTLY like me. It's the reason I joined. I felt this amazing warmth, this feeling of companionship. My first thought was that all these other people looked like me. Finally, my brethren have been found.

    Then I discovered with a heavy heart that these people do not in fact look like me... it's just a default stand-in of a silhouette. But I can't help thinking that, maybe, somewhere in the Y!A Design Department, an icon designer exists who is one of my kind... another person in this great huge world who looks like I do, who is reaching out and hoping to find others who look like us... Flat, gray, and featureless with short hair.


    I already know a girl from Canada who is flat, gray and featureless with long hair put up in double ponytails. She totally does NOT count.

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