
How closely do you watch your movers?

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The movers came this morning and they are packing my household as I type this..I don't really trust them and they seemed pretty sketchy from the get you think it's rude that I stay in the same room as them while they pack my things?




  1. We watched as much as possible but there were 5 total movers who were packing our things so it would have been impossible to watch them all.  We were pretty lucky though our movers were very professional.  Our last move I was present and was able to keep an eye on things the entire time.  I would say if you have a feeling about the movers than definitely watch them!

  2. NO WAY!!! THATS YOUR STUF!!! watch it like a hawk, we had tons of stuff missing from our move from germany

  3. No.  Make sure they do the job the way you like.


    That's why I always pack my own things, and let the movers just transport the items.  That way I have no one to blame but myself.

  4. No, in fact it's recommended that you stay in the room.  Not only protects you and your things, but it protects the movers/packers as well.  Because then they can say "she was right there when I packed that room, that item was not in that room" or whatever the case may be.  

    We've always walked room to room as they are packing, but I've known people to have friends come over so there is one person in every room.  

  5. Not only do I watch them, but I make sure I'm not the only one in the house (I love my Basset Hounds but they don't do much to intimidate). They do hire some REALLY seedy companies, but if they get the job done, done "lose" anything, and it's done pretty well I'm happy just to not have to do it myself! Good luck with your move!

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