
How coem Alaskans never knew Palin was 7 months pregant until an annoucement?

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She must have been working hard behind close doors in her office with without anyone seeing her...If The terminator was pregnant , someone will notice bellieve me..




  1. Maybe she was keeping it to herself because of her office. I haven't seen anything credible to suggest the baby isn't hers.  I hope this is just another rumor.  It would be a sad outcome otherwise.

  2. You are repulsive to even ask that. This ain't China. The hollywood scags always try to hide it. What difference does it make you you? Keep grasping at those straws!!

  3. She didn't want to burden the hard working people of Alaska with her personal issues.  She's a tremendous woman!


  4. And yes her daughter looked very pregnant..interesting isnt it There is no proof either way, but what scares me is her hunting and bragging about gutting the animals herself, and her insensitivity to wildlife conservation in Alaska. She brags about shooting a bear herself and using it as a rug. She is disgusting. Truly. And saying that people should keep babies when you are raped or your father rapes you is insane. Is this the work of the Taliban or is this truly a candidate?

  5. Our candidate runs with terrorists, votes against medical care for infants that survive abortion,  goes to church and listens to unAmerican hated, wants to cut, run, and lose in Iraq.

    But thankfully he announced to the world when his wife was 1st pregnant! Unlike that evil woman. She's inexperienced. And unless you are a man, you are not qualified to be President  without experience.

  6. Not necessarily.  She did gain weight that was obvious, but not all pregnant women look pregnant.  

  7. Yup, she announced she was pregnant at 7 months... no baby bump, at all... and in the meantime her 16 yr old daughter takes the 5 months just prior to the birth... off of school because of Mono. Palin also went back to work 3 days after the baby was born. Oh, and guess who's always looking after the baby when Mrs. Palin is otherwise occupied?

    Nope, not the Nanny.

  8. Because being in the limelight in Alaska plus the fact that she does not wear skimpy clothes it would be easy not to show.  For her daughter.  Many many many young girls have that bump just because they wear tight clothes.  My friends daughter has that bump and she is on Birth control.

  9. I have no idea and I don't care.

  10. I'm Alaskan and her pregnancy was pretty obvious.  

  11. I agree, she must have been working with out a lot of media attention.  

  12. There is a really shocking rumor going around on the internet now about her and the pregnancy.  I won't repeat it here because its majorly hurtful and I don't want to repeat something that might not be true.  However, if there is any truth to this rumor her career is down the toilet.

    This rumor continues to grow.  It gets more specific.  It gets worse and worse.  Palin should either specifically, flatly deny the rumor, or withdraw her name from consideration.  This is getting ugly fast.

  13. A. It was nobodies business

    B. I never showed until I was 7 months also.

    C. Who cares???????

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