
How cold does it get in melbourne, australia in june, july, august?

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also, how much snow?




  1. There's no snow in Melbourne itself in winter. You can drive a couple of hours away to the mountains - falls creek, etc, if you want to see snow. It gets a bit fresh in the mornings, overnight lows of maybe 4C. If the sun comes out, it's usually pleasant - 20C... It hasn'r rained much over the last 10 or so winters. It can get hotter, not much colder though. I think the coldest high during the day would be about 15C.

    Anyways, I hope that helps!

    Have a look here, you may find a bit more detail.

  2. well i live near the beach(Franskton)..In winter June-September we can have temps of in between 3-15 max...

    My niece lives in yarra Junction they have Mt Donna Buang right at their door-step..It is roughly 1 1/2 hours drive from Melbourne..

    The best places for snow in Victoria are Mt Buller and Mt Baw Baw(Mt baw Baw is near Warrigal) 2 hrs from Melbourne...Really there are plenty of places in Victoria that get snow...

    A link for the Ski Slopes of Victoria

  3. f you look at a good map you will see a line that runs across just above the centre of Australia from Rockhampton to western Australias pilbarra region. This is the line of the Tropic of Capricorn and all areas in Australia above that line are in The tropics. The tropics only has 2 seasons wet and dry the dry season is between April and September so June July and August are absolutly perfect for being anywhere up North. Brisbane and the Gold Coast are semi tropical . It can get cold at night but usually nice sunny days around that time of year. Perth can get cold in winter but not freezing Sydney melbourne and Canberra can get bitterly cold. Not so much Sydney . June july and August are so perfect for Cairns The great barrier reef The WhitSundays Darwin Broome and all those wonderful places up North.

  4. Here is a Link to the Bureau of Meteorology

    And the averages for a whole year in Melbourne.

  5. Usually down to 3 or 4 Celsius, about 36 - 42 F. at night, up to 12C to 20 C during the day. No snow in M. (usually)  but after the beginning of June may start falling in the ranges about 100k away. Some good skiing about 200 ks away.

  6. For one... it doesn't snow in any of the mainland capital cities.  Snow (in Australia), stays up in the mountains... where it belongs.  So we don't get any snow in Melbourne.  If you want to see snow in an Australian capital city... try Hobart.  Otherwise, it snows in Canberra some times.  Which is hard to believe given all the hot air there!  LOL

    As for cold... on the odd occasion, it can get down to -4*C overnight.  And I mean "odd occasion"... like every seven or eight years or so.

    More often than not though, the daytime low is in the single digits -- 4*C to 9*C.  With the daytime high usually in the low- to mid-teens.

  7. I went and lived there for 3 years back in the early 1980's and I can tell you it's cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey at that time of year.

    The weather reports over there include a "wind chill factor" which is unheard of elsewhere in Australia.

    This "wind chill factor" actually means that it is colder than it is.

    I found ice on my car during those months and ice on the road too. It's scary stuff, but doesn't happen all winter thankfully.

  8. Chilly, but if you're from outside of Australia you won't think it's so bad. Australians have a low tolerence for true cold!

    North American winters that stay below zero and have several feet of snow are unheard of in Australia.

    In Melbourne, expect daily highs around 12-16degrees celsius and lows around 4-8degrees celsius. Of course this is an average. On certain days it can get a lot colder or warmer than these averages. Also 4 seasons in one day is common.

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