
How come 'all of a sudden' J Bay is better then M Ramirez?

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How come 'all of a sudden' J Bay is better then M Ramirez?




  1. Since when is he better?

  2. the compared numbers are the same, however manny had the aid of having men on base when he comes up to bat, and more protection around him so he's thrown more strikes.  Now that Jason Bay is on a team with talent around him, expect him to get way more rbi's.  

  3. Because he doesn't take 10 seconds to get to first. I would rather have Bay than Ramirez on my team anyday.

  4. Maybe because he's a team player and not a self-centered player.  Jason Bay just goes out and plays the game to the best of his ability.  Manny Ramirez just goes through the motions until it's time for him to hit and then he is all about the "Show" he is going to put on if he hits a home run.  He certainly has proven he's not going to use up any energy running the bases.  

    Manny basically wanted to be a DH but the Sox already had one.  

  5. He is playing better.  Like anyone would notice that while the guy was playing in Pittsburgh?  Manny was in the big market, now Bay is.  His stock will rise as he performs in the large market of boston.  

  6. manny is in his decline, we wouldnt think manny was so great if espn didnt sexually admire him every 5 minutes

  7. Let me pull the wool down for you. Manny: black guy who acts the way he pleases. Jason: white guy. Town: Boston. Get it?

  8. Jason Bay was always as decent as Manny is. Since bay was traded to Boston, people started to notice him more than he was in Pittsburgh especially ESPN. Manny did well in his first game in Blue

    2-4 with 2 singles.

  9. hes not manny is wayyyyy better  

  10. He isn't.  The Sox were forced to trade Ramirez and as a result they were rushed and got back a capable Jason Bay.  Problem is, he's good but not Manny good!

  11. He is not , but because he play for the Red Sox he is going to get more in the Media[ ESPN], THEY THINK HE IS SIMILAR #'S TO RAMIREZ THIS YEAR,  yes he does but he is htting 220 with risp and manny over 300 with risp BUT no were close to Mannys numbers overall

    and  yippy 5 thumbs down my goal is 10 keep them coming lol

  12. He isn't. But Red Sox fans are saying so to convince themselves that getting rid of Manny Ramirez was no doubt the right thing to do and that they got the better end of the deal.

    Look, Jason Bay is a good player, but to suggest he's on Manny's level is ridiculous. Bay may not have all the "Manny Being Manny" episodes, but he's yet to prove that he's some superstar worthy of Manny's status.

    The truth is we have a LONG way to go before we determine who made out the best in this deal. Manny may end up getting to 600 home runs in L.A. for all we know. The move might even rejuvenate his career and his competitive desire.  

  13. Two games played by Bay isn't going to decide if hes better that Manny. and they both have put up similar numbers this year.

  14. he is not he just had a couple good games so far and he probley will never be better then manny

  15. He isn't better, but he's just as good.

  16. jason has always been almost as good as manny

    manny just has that celeb status

    jason has 2 more HR

    but a little worse batting average

    so he ISNT better and maybe never will b

  17. cause jason bay plays a whole lot better defense and came to a team where he can actually put up good numbers, plus he's young, and manny was getting old when he left  

  18. Who said he was better? These last 2 nights he's been playing phenomenally, but we still have 2 (maybe 3) more months left in the season to test him.  He's definitely not the player Manny was, but Manny's career is winding down, and Bay is putting up great numbers this year. Bay is also young and we'll have him for 5 or 6 more years. He hustles in the field and on the bases, and goes all out for the team. He's adding to the team chemistry and work ethic, unlike Manny- who in these last 2 or 3 weeks really brought the team down. We're better off without Manny.

    And a quick question: why do you waste so much time on here trying to insult the Red Sox?

  19. Nobody said that. But their stats are pretty much identical this season. Plus, as with age Manny is on the downside of his career. It's only natural. Have you seen the statistics? I don't know why this question has even been asked.

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