
How come Americans don't give a d**n about the national debt, and how come the govt. isn't doing anything?

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This is an important question on an important issue, so I'd appreciate some stars.

If we were to pay off the national debt, the money we would save (in interest payments alone) would be enough to keep Social Security solvent until 2090 or beyond. Or use it to invest in education. Whatever. But it's a lot of money.

The only elected official or office-seeker that has ever really touched upon the need to reduce the national debt (at least, the only one in recent memory) is Ross Perot. Back in '92, Perot said we could pay off the (then $4-trillion) debt over 5 years with a 50-cent per gallon tax on gasoline. But of course, his candidacy failed, and this plan would never get off the ground anyway, since Americans are just too selfish and shortsighted to have agreed to it (even back when gas was $1 a gallon, when Perot outlined this proposal).

Bill Clinton addressed the issue somewhat, and helped turn the deficit of the Reagan-Bush years into a surplus, which Dubya wiped out with one stroke of the pen, in the form of a tax cut for the upper 10% of Americans. Now once again, we have a deficit.

Most In fact, I distinctly remember George W. Bush, back during the 2000 Republican primaries, saying some crapola about how it would actually be counterproductive to pay down too much of the debt. I don't see how this could possibly be the case, and this was my first warning sign that there was something seriously wrong with George W. Bush's economic philosophy.

It seems that Americans are content to have our government run the same way as we run our own households--under mounds and mounds of debt. For example, "let's get a new 52" TV and put it on the credit card...even though we can't afford it, we'll worry about coming up with the cash later."

Further, Americans would prefer to have their tax cuts and other government entitlement programs *now*, and let their kids worry about the debt. Naturally, the next generation is going to have the exact same mindset, and this will continue ad nauseam.

So is selfiishness and greed the true reason why Americans simply don't care to save their children's generation from being smothered by the debt?




  1. be cause the growth of the american government is an unstoppable juggernaut.  a seven headed hydra that can not be slain.  people are too lazy and self involved to knuckle down and pay off the debt. everyone would like it cut but no one is willing to have it come from their little section of pie.

  2. Can't argue with you, dude.  And Clinton ran a surplus only if you lump payroll taxes in with general tax revenue.  If you subtract out payroll tax income, which is "supposed" to go into the social security trust fund, Clinton's surplus goes away.

    Gerald Ford is the last president who cared about this.  

  3. Yep - selfishness and greed are the true reasons.

    The wealth in this country is enormous and could be used to rebuild the entire country from the ground up - new schools, free education, benefits to all mankind - but buying yachts, jewelry and vacation homes seems to be more important to our masters.  

  4. Some of us do care because we had a surplus befor Bush took office and we would'nt be in this shape if the popular vote would have counted or if the truck loads of votes would'nt have got lost for quite a period of time in FL, but the real kicker here is that the Electoral College and the Super Delegates put in office who ever they want to be in office.

  5. They also forget we put the Soviet union out of business by bankrupting them, they are using their energy reserves to do the same to us now.

  6. Clinton didn't do a thing for the economy.  He retroactively raised taxes, cooked the books to show a dishonest "surplus" and trashed the military and intelligence communities.  He rode the dotcom bubble, which he did not cause.  Then, he left the country in the Clinton recession.  At least Bush repaired some of the Clinton disaster.

    Democrats are such dishonest morons.

    nObama '08.  Impeach *(D).

  7. Are you an American, I think not.

  8. I think this describes it, "I could careless what happens to the next generation.  I just want my cake and eat it now."  This seems to me is in a lot of people's thinking.

  9. Everybody in America is in debt. Why would we expect our country to be run any differently. In other words, I guess people feel that debt is the natural way for things to be.

  10. I do care

    I don't run my house that way(no credit cards no living beyond my means)

    I do not understand why the country is run in such an ignorant fashion

    I hate the thought of such a burden being pushed to our children.

    but as you already said most people are too greedy and selfish to do much about it...

  11. Most people don't really understand economic issues.  Most people are focused on problems that affect them today, and find it hard to think about what might happen down the road.  Government officials take advantage of this by borrowing money to use today rather than raising taxes, and leaving the debt for someone else to worry about.  It's not new, and it's sad, but it's the way it is.  Maybe Obama will do better.

  12. Yea, the Republicans think that Democrats spend to much, but in fact Republicans will spend as much or more and just pull the money out of their butts. Heck, they will even send economic incentive checks out just to make everyone think they have excess cash and everything is peachy.

    I remember thinking that Perot had the right idea, but he was just too weird, and his running mate must have had dementia.

  13. I care about the national debt.  That's why I'm allowing myself to vote for McCain.  He is the one person in Washington who consistently votes against pork barrel spending and weighs the cost of a thing before agreeing to "buy" it.  

  14. America seems to be a country with high priority for consumption. Instead of curbing it, the companies encourage it. Ppl are encouraged to buy **** they don`t need, for money they don`t have. & the government is doing 0 to curb it.

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