
How come Barackpolis couldn't generate more people than McCain?

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and there was a Football Game...




  1. Because he wasn't able to part the seas enough so more people could migrate to him.

  2. I was shocked that Top Gun McCain had a much larger viewing audience than Obama.

    And this was on at the same time as the Season Football opener Thursday Night Football.

  3. Because , he is a taker not a giver , most want to call him the chosen one, I guess you could say that, but what would I call him , you can't say on here.

  4. He generates a lot more people and money than old man winter. How come you're not smart enough to use English when you write questions?

  5. because people have come back to the American way and with 4

    fewer stations no less.

    and a little fact for the misinformed libs. Money is POURING in for McCain and he now has more then obama has been able to raise in 2 years.

  6. John Mc Cain pulled out all the stops choosing the Pitbull Sarah Palin as VP pick.. what gives, I thought you were Democrat..

  7. Can you say, “Alice In Wonderland”? Haven't you notice how Repubs like victimizing themselves – GOD must testing them.

    Repubs don't mind bailing out big corporations with your tax dollars if it saves their meager interests? Wealthy CEO's excepting FEDERAL MONEY is okay if it keeps the"Trickles Down Theory" lie alive because working-class Repubs need to believe that their untainded self-righteous hands are free from the stench of federal funding. It's the only way that the illusion of conservative ideals can survive.

    But let's not call it what it is: communism, socialism or WELFARE!

    It might destroy the Republicans’ frail sanity to face reality.

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