
How come Delta and Continental are the only 2 airlines to have the 767-400?

by Guest58582  |  earlier

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it seems like a cheaper alternative to the triple 7 (even though the 777 is in a class of its own ) and why did Boeing cease production for the 757, it has a decent capacity, it has the range, farther than the 737, why?




  1. the 777 family is more fuel efficient, can hold more pax and is newer. boeing ceased production of the 757, and will soon ceease production of the 767 to make way for the new 787.

  2. The reason airlines buy a particular aircraft is because it fits into what they want to do. Airlines are very mission-oriented. These are expensive aircraft. Apparently, only DL and CO wanted to fly the -400, so they were the only ones to buy them. They have a lower seating capacity than the 777.

    Boeing built a lot of 757's, and the production run ended with the ending of orders for them. They were an "accountant's aircraft" as there were  no added frills for passengers. They had the same basic cabin as a 737, 727, 707, and the same seats. They will be flying for a while yet. There were 1050 of them built in the 23-year production run.

    The 737-800/900 series can carry almost as many people almost as far for less money. These have transcontinental range in the US and updated interiors and less fuel burn.



  3. Its not a very good alternative to the T7, it has less range and tons less cargo capabilities. Boeing ceased production for the 757 because Airlines weren't ordering anymore which is because newer planes like the 737-900ER and A321 can do 70% of what the 757 can, and are more efficient while doing it.

    The 767-400, never had much sales success, because it was meant to compete with the A330-200/300, but was never good enough to hold its own against it, the A330-200 was simply better.

  4. The real story about the 767-400 is that it was plane that was tailor made for Delta and Continental. The airlines needed a plane that did a certain job, so Boeing came up with the 764 (767-400). This is just like the 757, a plane that was made for Eastern Airlines, but other airlines liked it as well, so they bought it. Sales slowed up thanks to the more efficient 739ER and A321, and Boeing pulled the 757's plug.

    Another tailored plane, to an extent, was the 763 (767-300). American Airlines had needs, but Boeing wasn't willing to cater. This is what led American to start buying A300s. Boeing found out and went ahead to design and produce the 767-300.

    In short, airlines sometimes go to manufactures for requests. Sometimes, they're fulfilled (757 and 767-400), and sometimes, they're not...until later on (767-300).

  5. because boeing needed to make the sale, so the price was right.

  6. cant answer on the 400, i think airlines would rather have the 777 for some reason that is very apparent..... in regards to the 757 boeing stopped production because there where no orders for it and the 787-3 is it's replacement

  7. when the dictator of red china bought his nobody wanted one

  8. Crappy service..small planes...speaks for itself. Also some airlines just don't like to have cheaper services even if they also have the same crappy flights.

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