I bought an efergy smart meter to monitor my power usage. It reliably reports 300W usage when I turn on 300Wats worth of halogen bulbs (well 310W actually) or 2KW when I turn on my 2KW kettle. When I turned on an old 15W CFL bulb its said 52 Watts, then went up to 69 watts, then back to 52, did this a few times then settled at 52 W. I thought its probably old and goosed so I bought a couple of new 20W CFL's, they both came on at 34W, then up to 52 for a while then back to a steady 34W, better but still well over the advertised 20W Rating. The bulbs are A rated for energy efficiency.
I suppose the hop up on starting will be the normal fluorescent starting current, its the long term higher wattage that worries me.
I did try several of the other CFL's in my house and they all behaved the similarly and drew way more than their rated wattage.