
How come Fox News is rates highest? Are people tired of one-sided news from networks, MSNBC, NY Times?

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How come Fox News is rates highest? Are people tired of one-sided news from networks, MSNBC, NY Times?




  1. I wasn't aware that Fox News had the highest rating. Please give me statistics.

    Personally, I think every news agency, from newspapers, radio, and television, is promoting their own agenda. Every media wants the public's attention, and they will do anything to get that attention.

    Reporters, whether newspaper, radio, or television, are paid to report. It's a job!  

    It doesn't matter whether I, or you, are "tired" of one-sided news. The U.S. still has a Constitution that promotes "free speech"; and, until the majority of the American people can get that Constitutional right repealed, there will continue to be "freedom of speech".

  2. They are winning the ratings battle because they are showing what a majority of the viewers want to see and hear.  

  3. People know that it more like Entertainment Tonight than legitimate news. Fox is a psuedo news organization. Only an idiot would take it seriously.

  4. Yeah, I don't think Fox is THAT right winged. I think its gives some of the most accurate news. But I will watch another ever once and a while.

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