
How come Global Warming isn't advertised more? Shouldn't it be advertised more than other commercials?

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Afterall what good is all the current advertisement, with no positive future for ourselves/childeren.




  1. Oh how narrow your opinion of life must be.  The TV now holds your entire future in it's grip.  Global warming is Televisions greatest act.  Nothing more, nothing less.

  2. who is going to pay for them?

    Oh and stop thinking that you can predict the future, you have no idea what is going to happen.  No one does.  We could start another cooling trend again any time.

  3. commercials cost a lot of money. advertisers want to sell a product and are willing to pay that price. although it is important to get the word out, the only way you will likely see any amount of advertising speaking out on the perils of gw is if companies that sell green products become wealthy enough to compete for advertising time.

  4. You've really bought the Global Warming nonsense in a big way.  Don't worry, Little Girl (or perhaps Chicken Little) your future still awaits you full of other nonsense you'll buy hook-line-and-sinker.

  5. Global Warming is a fairy tale used by the new order global socialists to transfer wealth and power to themselves. It is not true and has not been proven 100%.

    Commercials? Who watches them anyway? Do you remember the commercial with the egg..."this is your brain, this is your brain on drugs" How many people do you think stopped doing drugs because of this?

    Do you think commercials about global warming are going to keep people from racing from red light to red light in their big SUV's?

  6. Because the only ones making money (and thus able to fund commercials) associated with Global Warming are the companies trying to cover-up the reality of it so they can continue making money.  If Global Warming were really a money making hoax, like some falsely assert, there'd be lots of companies advertising their products to fight Global Warming.

  7. Yes they should do ads about Global Warming.I think the reason why it isn't advertised more is because it isn't really an ad?

  8. Advertisements are for selling a product.  What is a commercial about Global Warming going to tell us that we don't already know ?  There has been a slight increase in the average temperature over the last 40 years ?  That this is NORMAL as part of weather cycles that Climateolgists simply can't grasp yet ? There have been countless cycles of Global Warming and Global Cooling over the last billion years or so and guess what!!!!  The earth is still here

  9. because there are too many weather channels that easily debunk the whole global warming sham on a daily basis.

  10. The 'Man-Did-It' Global Warming enthusiasts are not entirely stupid.....but they are devisive.  As time has gone by, more and more of the so-called 'science' supposedly supporting man-caused global warming, has been exposed as bad science.....corrupted by data manipulation and faulty equipment.  The Global-Warmies are going to keep their heads down for a while.

  11. Fixing Global Warming is not a business at this time.  That means that the commercial spots that are run on TV are PSAs (Public Service Announcements) so they have to get in line with the teen pregnancy, safe s*x and other assorted social ills that have a message to send to the public.

    If you think there needs to be more GW commercials then get your rich friends together and plaster the air waves with them.

  12. Ah yes - the mass marketing of pseudo science.

    If you can't win them over with objective science, then maybe a slick advertising campaign would work.

    Make sure you use children.  This helps make adults feel guilty.  And put the child in danger to heighten the fear and panic, especially in women, since they run on emotions.

    A good scheam would to put a child on a train track in front of a fast moving train coming right for her.  Make it look like the train is global warming and she's toast if we don't do something for the sake of doing something right now!

    That would probably work.

  13. Because global warming isn't true. There are tons of errors in scientists research. One of which is the measurements of carbon dioxide. Scientists say that 30% of 97% of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is caused by us which in reality is actually 3% of carbon dioxide if you add the other natural sources like the water, plants, etc.

    Another error includes ocean rising to be exaggerated and the claim that average global temperatures are rising drastically. The arctic circle is made up of ice that floats in the arctic ocean. The ice covering the arctic circle is very shallow. Its thickness is less than ten feet in most places. This shallow ice acts much like ice in a glass of water. When ice is placed in a glass of water, the water is displaced and rises to support the weight of the ice. Therefore, the more ice, the higher the water level. The melting of the ice in the arctic circle does not significantly change the level of the water because the ice is floating. The only significant change which could occur is when the ice on land melts and moves into the ocean water. Current studies show that ice in the Antarctic which is on land is actually gaining in mass.

    Average global temperatures have not increased dramatically compared to long-term average temperatures. Over the past 700,000 years, scientific graphs show high and low temperature patterns similar to that of a heart monitor machine. About every hundred thousand years, there is a significant warming followed by a drastic cooling. It has been shown through scientific research that the Earth has normal patterns of heating and cooling. Over the last hundred years, the 1930’s and the 1950’s had warmer recorded temperatures than the present decade.

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