
How come I am getting some weird page come up when I am trying to set up my has a big square face?

by  |  earlier

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and how do I get to the original 360 page




  1. Yahoo has been wacky lately, so if you still can't get this to work, you may want to try later. Perhaps with a different Yahoo account as a last resort.

    First, clear your browser's cache and cookies. Before clearing cookies, make sure you know your passwords to sites.


    In Internet Explorer, see

    In Firefox, click the "Clear Cache Now" button under Tools > Options > Privacy > Cache.

    In Safari, under the Safari menu is an option to Empty Cache; select this.


    In Firefox, do this under Tools > Options > Privacy > Cookies > Clear Cookies Now

    In Internet Explorer, do this under Tools > Internet Options > General > Browsing History > Delete > Delete Cookies > Yes

    In Safari, select Preferences from the Safari menu and click Security. Click Show Cookies, then click the option to Remove cookies.

    Then, restart your computer.

    Go to . If you haven't already, click the  "Get Started" button on the far right section of that page. After you finish with the activation process, click on the teeny tiny "Yahoo 360 Home" link on the upper right of that page (or the main 360 page) to get into the 360 space.

    If you've already gone through the activation process:

    - Go to

    - Click the teeny tiny "Sign-in" link on the upper left of the page. After signing in, the page refreshes and you should click on the teeny tiny "Yahoo 360 Home" link on the upper right of the page to get into the 360 space.

    For further information on setting up your 360 space, see these resources:

    - IMPORTANT!: Thoroughly read the 360 COMMUNITY GUIDELINES at

    - HELP Pages:

    - For MORE TIPS see some of my previous answers on various Y!360 & Y/A subjects by clicking on my avatar and scrolling down to click on my "Starred Questions" tab. Also, my 360 space blog ( ) has tips in the tag cloud - "360tips" "music" " "vids" and on the right under highlighted posts.

    - For IDEAS you can check out other 360 pages by clicking on your "Search" link at the top of 360 or by going to

    - The 360 team blog at has many helpful links on the right side to help with setting up a 360 space and using other services with it.

    NOTE: Some features are not available to users under age 18 for safety reasons. Also, to prevent frustration, see for information on 360 glitches

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