
How come I can't get a cd-r to work in a dvd player?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, I got some videos from music videos, right.

I recorded them to a cd-r, and I tried playing them on my dvd player. How come it's not working?

I probably sound kinda dumb, but I just wanna know why, and it's probably cuz of the cd-r lmao.




  1. A video should be recorded on a dvd, not a cd.

  2. There is a problem with a few older dvd players (and possibly some newer ones, but i thought they resolved this issue by now) that with the way CD-R's are made the disc was invisible to the laser.

    This problem first plagued early DVD players in which the DVD laser had difficulty reading even regular CD's. Sony for a while was using dual-lasers in thier units but the majority of players now have this issue solved...still, it's possible one or two still feature this flaw.

  3. you have to record it on a dvd not a cd....but if cds are all you got then you can still burn the songs onto your cd and then it'll work in your dvd player...ofcorse you wont see the videos yuo'll just hear the songs

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