
How come I can't keep a hard enough erection?

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I have recently been unable to keep a hard enough erection to the point were I'm incapable of having s*x with my girlfriend because of it. I've had normal s*x before and can usually get hard when I m********e, but I don't know whats wrong. Any help would be appreciated




  1. sometimes that's normal...stress or worry doesn't help...and as you get older u don't get that same erection as when ur were 15.  Just keep messing around with ur girl with one hand and jerk urself too and as you see her getting hot and worked, u should get ur hard on and just clock in and start working....

  2. i like your name, Mr. Happy.hahahahaha. and then you ask this question.

    Well, im defiinately NO DOCTOR.

    but first always, i have to ask, are you thinking, or focusing on something else during s*x. Bills, a death, or is something making you too nervous? this could be it.

    im think ED. erectile dysfunction.

    contact a doc.

    good luck.

  3. you may have alot on your mind...or trying to keep it from happening  could make it keep happening...go to s*x and me on yahoo...then


  4. Difficulties with erections are rarely due to simple problems with the mechanism, so some details like your age, frequency of s*x and masturbation would be helpful in trying to come up with a helpful answer.

    Assuming you're still fairly young (teens or twenties), then I'd suspect that your problems are mainly due to performance anxiety (that nasty circular thing where fear of failure causes failure) or other worries and concerns. To take an extreme example, it's pretty hard to really get into s*x and focus totally on being with your girlfriend if your mother is dying of cancer or something similarly horrible is going on in your life.

    Another obvious possibility is that there's something wrong with your relationship with your girlfriend. Even though it's commonly believed that guys will happily have s*x with just about anyone, any time anywhere, I know from personal experience that some guys will meet Mr Floppy if they're angry, fed up, disappointed or just bored with their current sexual partner.

  5. Ive had this happen to me before... your getting over the girl bro... keep away from her for a bit. or **** other women.  also, get some exersize.

  6. You don't have erectile dysfunction. You have the same thing I have. I used to have s*x with my girlfriend a bunch of times a week, then one day I didn't get hard, and ever since then it's impossible for me to get hard. Why? Cause I'm nervous and keep thinking it'll happen again. We stopped having s*x cause of it and so before this happens to you, I strongly recommend you just relax. It'll come to you naturally. Don't end up with the same problem as me.

  7. Hello Mr.Happy,

    If you suffer from erectile dysfunction, do not be alarmed or feel embarrassed because there are millions of men out there in the world who have the same problem as you do.

    There are a lot of causes for this erectile dysfunction which includes aging, pressure, remorse, conflict, concern, anxiety, dullness, drugs usage, alcohol abuse, smoking and also poor blood circulation. All these are only some of the factors that cause erectile dysfunction but the main culprit that causes this dysfunction is actually the deficient in the blood that flows into the p***s to create a full and hard erection.  The only normal and natural way to correct this erectile dysfunction is to increase the blood flow into the p***s.  

  8. maybe if you abstain from masturbating and s*x for a few days it would help

    good luck

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