
How come I can't power my car with love?

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It is less powerful than some think? Energy and love appear to have a codependent relationship.




  1. I don't know, man. Those oil barons sure do seem to love oil.

  2. Make sure the button on the dash that says "LOVE DRIVE" is on. If that doesn't work play Barry White on your stereo when you set out on a trip. If you still can't get it to run on Love then you better check your warranty and get it into a shop.

  3. See wha's happenin' if you don't love your god enough?

    Sorry, forgot to close the AM radio.

  4. You can.

    With love, as opposed to greed, there would be extremely active efforts worldwide to change the form of energy we use.

    Governments and corporations get fat off the rising price of Natural gas and oil. If they showed more love to the people, people could show more love to the planet, and all that love will be the reason you'll still be able to power your car in 20 years time.

    Researching and developing new ways to provide energy potentially lowers the cost to the consumer by a long way. However, all that profit will be gone forever, so no right-thinking company will do it.


    ~Loving Light~

  5. Take an engineering or physics class fer chrissakes.

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