
How come I can feel the kiss when I kiss in dreams?

by  |  earlier

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Not always, but about half the time I can. But then, I've never had my first kiss before, except for when I kissed in preschool :P

Why is this so?





    Now that I got that off my chest lol. I know it feels so real. I haven't had my first kiss either, but the thought of me expiriencing my first kiss with my 3 1/2 year crush gives me jitters lol.

    I think you just want something good to happen like that. At least thats what I do. But your mind is playing tricks on you, and we wish for some things to be true. How many of these have you had?

    I had like 3 already... or was it 2?

    If you have any other dreams like these, write it down, because you'll forget it later. I do that all the time and I love reminding myself what I dreamed about

  2. you might be kissing your arm or pillow and in the dream it feels real .

  3. Yeh it happened to me aswell on a sleepover. in the morning my friend told me in the middle of the night she woke up because i was kissing her arm

    she said it at brekkie so my parents heard and they were like, what do you dream about? lol

  4. idk but it happens to me too!!

  5. its your mind playin tricks on you

    you imagine things untrue

    things that you wish to be true

    & your mind makes it up

    you must be thinkin about this quite alot

    or your just simply kissing your arm ?



  6. Woah! The same thing happens to me! It feels so real! I don't know but it really feels like I'm kissing someone!

  7. You are a lucid dreamer. In that respect consider yourself lucky!

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