
How come I can never scream in my dreams?

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Sometimes, when I am having a bad dream, I want to scream to wake myself up, but whenever I try to, I can't get the sound out. It's like my whole body works differently in my dreams. Why is that? And why is it that I always want to scream, and not wake myself up in another way (like pinching myself)?




  1. How weird i can talk, move, and punch in my sleep.  

  2. Not being able to scream, and your frustration with it, represents your feelings of not being heard. In life, you're frustrated about something and feel like you're not being heard.

    If it's your normal reaction to a bad dream, it means that your physical body isn't responding to your mental commands. In deep sleep, this is common. You physically want to scream, to wake yourself up, but your body isn't responding - leading you to be frustrated and helpless.

  3. I can't control my actions in a dream. I don't know if anyone can. The other day I had a bad dream and in my dream I accidentally walked into something. I woke up instantly. But I didn't think "This is a bad dream I need to wake up".

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