
How come I don't get a chance to get over her?

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I don't get the chance to get over her by not seeing her AT ALL. There is always something that happens for me to see her. I changed schools and now she goes there too ALONG with her boyfriend. I see them together even though its a huge school. It kills me everytime I do. I wanted to start a new life at university but I'm just continuing with my old and emotional life. Other times my friends see her with her bf at random places and they would tell me. I love her with all of my heart but she made it clear that we can never be and now I'm not getting a chance to get over her. Sometimes I feel that its meant to be that we keep seeing each other but there is no reason or truth in that. What could I possibly do?




  1. You won't get over her for a while, esp. since you keep seeing her.  But don't let that put you down.  The worst part about the whole thing is probably the fact that you can't stop thinking about her and you are driving yourself crazy constantly thinking about her.  When you become aware of yourself thinking about her, try to focus on breathing, or concentratee on anything (it could be your fingerprints or the patterns in the ceiling).  Just break the cycle in your head.  If you can get her out of your mind you will be much better off.

  2. I hate to say it but it almost sounds like she's there to rub her relationship in your face.  Do you get weekends off or something like that?  Or maybe a holiday is coming up?  Find a way to get away for a few days.  Go somewhere that you definitely wouldn't see her.  If you can, rent a motel or camp out in a totally different town or something like that.  That will give you some time away, or it should.  If she shows up there, then she's definitely rubbing your nose in it.  Whether it is because she does want to be with you or because she's mean-spirited is another question, but I'd consider it mean-spirited, honestly, and I'd tell her off if I were you.  If she doesn't show, then you can relax and chalk it all up to coincidence while you work on getting over the whole thing.  Try finding a book to take with you, maybe one on getting over relationships.  Check the local libraries.  Good luck.

  3. nothing is 'meant to be'.  you can either find another to fill that hole in your heart or bear with it until it starts to heal. i know it sounds cold, but life just ... is. it's you that has to change your outlook - no one else can do that for you.

  4. Get over your own false ideas about her. There is no gain in obsessing about someone you mean nothing to.  Good luck to you.  There is someone out here who will love you and adore you and treat you with love.

  5. I think it's bad luck that she, ironically, goes to the same school as you. What I suggest you do is tell your friends not to mention her if it bothers you so much. When you do see her don't say anything because it may bring back bad memories. Don't go rebound cause that doesn't work. Other than that, there is nothing you can do. Changing schools again would be like running away from what hurts you and revolving your life around her.

    Think of it this way, she is a chapter in an old book. The ending didn't turn out so good so you toss it and start a new one.

  6. OK< sorry things did not work out, but you need to tell yourself one golden rule "Never go after somebody that does not want you" Once you do that, you can focus on looking for somebody new and a new life where you can find somebody that wants you. YOU must be in charge of your life.

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