
How come I don't lose or gain weight??

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isn't this odd? I can eat like 5 full meals a day and I wont gain weight, but if i have 2 meals a day for whatever reason I don't lose the weight either. are there any explanations for this????




  1. simple, your metabolic rate is very high and healthy

    i have a high metabolism to so i know what its like, hard to lose weight but harder to gain for me anyway, your metabolic rate of burning calories is very high and your weight gain or not weight gain is effected as such

  2. I think it's because you have a high metabolism. When you have a high metabolism, your body digests food very quickly so it's not easy to gain any weight. Some of my friends have high metabolisms and they are older but smaller and weigh less than me. It's not that big of a deal, but it can be serious if you don't maintain it.

  3. I am like that! I have been 123 for all my high school life and I have recently had 2 kids. I gained weight with both maybe like 35 lbs a peice but lost it less than a week after. I can eat all day and dont gain anything. Its because we have a high metabolism. Our body just burns off fat immediately!! But im tryna get tips on how to gain weight myself!!

  4. You body has hormones called insulin and glucagon that help regulate your body's metabolism. They signal your body to break down/ store carbohydrates in your blood stream depending on carbohydrate levels in your blood. You seem to have a high metabolism so when you eat a lot, you don't gain weight because your body uses the energy very quickly. On the other hand skipping meals on one day will not really effect your weight because insulin and glucagon work to adjust your metabolism to keep your weight constant. However, if you skip meals for a while, your body will no longer be able to keep up with the calorie deficit and you will lose weight.

  5. You most likely have a really good metabolism that burns up calories really quick. Don't worry about it. Loads of people would love that kinda metabolism.

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