
How come I feel this way?

by Guest21222  |  earlier

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There is a girl at my school who likes my boyfriend. One day while I was not at school, she told him that she wanted to have s*x with him right then and there even though she knows I am dating him and she has a boyfriend. He turned her down with I am happy about, but when she sees him in the hallways she will always hug him and tell him she loves him, it really bugs me. He did turn her down but for some reason I feel jealous and I don't know why...




  1. It makes sense that you feel jealous, because this girl is making a play for your guy right in front of you.

    Your boyfriend aught to tell her to back off, because it is not right to let her keep doing that. He is probably enjoying the attention, but this is too blatant. He should tell her to bug off!

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