
How come I feel tongue-tied when I say: Alhamdu-lillah?

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This happens when I try to say a LOT of Arabic. Will I overcome this or is it here to stay?




  1. Yes you can overcome this difficulty,  You need an educated Arab lady who can help you pronounced Arabic words correctly.  It will take extra efforts and conviction on your part.  If Hamaza Yousuf  and Shoaib Web  American Muslims  can pronounce and read just like Arabs, you also can my dear Sister..

  2. That's normal, it takes times.. Yes overtime with much practice, you'll be good at it!

  3. Takes time.  Too many L's in that word for beginners.  You'll progress from saying 'alalalal' soon enough Inshallah.

    Try breaking it up this way:






  4. just say "Thanks God" in English like a normal person. There's no need to say it in Arabic if that is not your language.

  5. its normal :)

  6. Your new to it thats why....practice makes try with all your might...

  7. Practice makes perfect ;) do not worry.

  8. First, u have to be pronouncing it correctly; if u have taken frensh or spanish, then u will know that in arabic, the "L" makes a soft "L" sound. The only rough "L" sound exists in the word "Allah."

    Then the "H" is also not the american "H" but rather you have to have the back of your tongu hit the bottom surface near the back of your throat and then push out air from above the back of your tongue.

    Pronunciation is the key; you'll get it soon enough.

  9. you probably feel tongue-tied becuz it is not your language, and it is something new in your life in all aspects.

    It is normal and very common. and inshallah u'd be fine.  all you need is intention, effort, and help from someone.

    many students I was teaching and at the beginning... I thought they won't catch a lot of things from arabic sounds, recitation rules etc., but over years they got so good at it mashallah.  It just really comes over time.  Breaking it up helps... specially if you first hear from someone.


  10. You will overcome it.  

  11. just say it from your heart..

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