
How come I get along with these signs so well?

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I'm a leo female, with a capricorn rising, and I get along extremely well with virgos and pisces, but I don't get along AT ALL with sagittarius's. In fact, I really dislike them.

Isn't that a bit unnatural?




  1. It could be there charts as well. Piscenas and virgos are also very easy to get along with and wont mind leo taking the lead and being a capricorn rising and leo you will like to take conrtol.

    dont worry i am a cancer and i dont get along with scorpio iwerd huh.. perhaps saggitarious's are too aloof and self interested for your concern =)

  2. You may be a Leo deep down at heart, but you show more Capricorn traits, as your rising sign is Capricorn.

    First impressions are often ones that are of the Capricorn sort, a very solid, stable, secure, and smart woman.

    And since Capricorn is a feminine sign, it also gets along with Virgos and Pisceans, them being feminine Signs as well.

    Not only that, but they are attracted to the way you act, being a very ambitious woman from your description.

    And, no, its not strange at all.  Astrology is usually never proven wrong.  It takes many deep deep levels to find where the true compatibility is.

  3. all that zodiac c**p is not always true.. the ones that r true r jus coincidence

  4. Hi, I'm a Leo Sun and rising.  I get along with all signs because I have tamed down and am aware of my personal traits.  It's best to take a look at how you are using your energy.  I'm not saying it's always you but if you learn to realize how you act and react to people then you might find you get along with more people than before.

    Sagittarius people are usually fun and jovial wanting to learn about everything.  Kind of like Leo's and Gemini's.  These signs are naturally child like, notice I didn't say childish.  Leo's rule the 5th house of fun and pleasure, Sagittarius are adventurous and funny, Gemini's are youthful and optimistic.

    I could go on about all of the signs but I don't want this to be too long.  All signs have wonderful traits, it's up to you to find out how to make it work for you.  

    As for being unnatural in an astrological since, fire signs are suppose to get along well with other fire signs Leo, Sagittarius, and Aries.  But I find that life is more interesting having friends from all walks of life.

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