
How come I give the impression of a villain?

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What?... I mean, come on. This cracks me up. I'm harmless, a nice person, loveable, funny, and have a sense of humor.

But when I do get pissed off every once in a while, I'll think about all those villains in movies and pretend I am them. I don't go out and do what they do, but simply re-play those scenes in my head. Can people tell what I am thinking about? Is that possible? Just by what you may be thinking, can others get some vibe from that, even though your face doesn't show malice?

This is me, btw:

What'd ya think? I just look serious and very French-like, rugged. Hah!




  1. u probably just have a serious face or u r in deep thought and it somehow expresses on ur face without u knowing, especially if u  r depressed or stressed out etc.

    Maybe u don't smile or laugh enough like u seem intimidating? When u get angry try to not think about bad things since it can make u anrgier and such.

    Ask the ppl why, maybe they r just messing with u ?

  2. Your mimics, gestures, body-language. If you think about those bad guys and sympathize with them, you start imitating their appearance.

    (Proverbs 13:20)  He that is walking with wise persons will become wise, but he that is having dealings with the stupid ones will fare badly.

    But be careful!  

    (Psalm 11:5)  Jehovah himself examines the righteous one as well as the wicked one, And anyone loving violence His soul certainly hates.

  3. What? Why would you give the impression of a villian? Huhhhh?

  4. Actually, you can give off an impression of evil, negativity, ect. just like you can show positive attributes like caring and compassion.  I teach martial arts, and one of the lessons I teach is that how you carry yourself and your facial expression give off your intentions.  However, even your thoughts seem to be able to trigger this.  Before my student's strike, they are taught to give off the mental impression of weakness and fear, then suddenly, go for the strike.  This is no new secret, the assassins of ancient times were taught not to look at their target for a prolonged time prior to killing them.  The saying, "The eyes are the windows to the soul" may not be far fetched.  This is due to a sense that is scientifically not yet explained.  When you feel as though someone is looking at you, they probably are.  you jerk your head around, and they are quickly look away.  Your expression, either mental or physical can give off a pressence that is picked up by those around you, concisously or not.

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