
How come I haven't become addicted to homework, I have loads of it...?

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Addicted to t.v. ,computer and girlfriend...but nay to homework, are you too immune to homework, and do you have any other vices?




  1. tell somebody ur addictd to s*x and theyll do it for u

  2. Put the computer in the closet, and turn off the phone. so girlfriend can't reach you. Then you can do homework. It worked for me dude when I was in school.

    Good luck.

  3. but weed and cocain and meth make you look HELLLLLLUH UGLY why are people addicted to those? HOMEWORK is not addicting because theres a lot to do and stress comes with it... everything else no unless your girlfriend dumped you i think thats stresss too

  4. My mom always asks me why I can't be addicted to cleaning... but cleaning is not fun! And neither is homework... I used to wish I could just go to class to listen to the lectures without having to do anything else. It's stressful, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

    I like to eat a lot...and shop, but I don't shop anymore. Yup, only vice now is YOU! Everything else has subsided...

  5. Can I trade you?

    I'll do your homework and you cook meals for my husband . Just wear a wig like my hair looks and say "uh huh?"..."ok"...He'll NEVER know the diff.

  6. homework is too tiring and repetitious, but tv, computer, and special people are more interesting

  7. I haven't even started my reading and I already skipped a class (in week one). Would you believe I'll start injecting small children with IV medication this Wednesday?

    All I know is not to tell them, "We're going to move you to the floor." because they might worry that you're going to take them out of their bed and actually put them on the floor.

  8. Join the club! Your not the only one. Homework is ugly thats why we dont get addicted to it.

  9. I am immune as well- perhaps there is a vaccine we received?

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