
How come I haven't lost a pound?

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I've taken up jogging again (for about the last 2 month-ish) and I feel longer and leaner...someone told me the other day I look thin...So...why do I still weigh the exact same? How does that work?




  1. You lose fat but your muscles get stronger and more tone. That's good as long as you look thin because muscle weighs more than fat so you could even gain weight but it will be in your muscles and they will look strong. You should actually gage your accomplishment by inches around you waist thighs and butt. That will show you you've done a lot. Way to go! :D

  2. Congrats on starting back.  

    You should start losing soon.  The first two or three months, you're building muscle.  Muscle weighs about twice as much as fat, so though you're starting to look like a machine, the weight loss will be slower.

    If you don't now, bust out the tape measure!  That will be a truer "measure" of progress.

  3. The thing is you have to keep working hard! Because it takes time for your body to get ready for what your doing. So my point is that you have to keep working and you will lose something.

  4. there is a difference between fat and muscles weight what you are probably getting now is muscle weight..I have been going to the gym for about 4 months now I  lose a pound then gain it i stopped going to the gym for about 2 weeks (for my wedding and after)  and i ate like crazy and there i lost 5 pounds.... gained all of it back when i went back to the gym but still the same figure ( fyi..i am 116 pounds early 20s)  

  5. Muscle weighs more than fat.

    If you are excercising you are gaining muscle.

  6. your losing weight but building muscle.

  7. when you exercise like that, you lose alllllll your fat and gain muscle. so you may way the same but you're a new you :)

  8. You've been eating more calories. lol j/k

    You have been building up muscle and losing fat. Muscle weighs more then fat!

  9. your getting muscle to take over the fat... and mucle weighs more.. so u might actually gain weight! but u dont get fatter looking dont worry its totally normal

  10. you've probably lost fat and gained muscle. big whoop.

  11. Cause muscle weighs more than fat.

    Not that you have any FAT on you...ggrrrr @ skinny people...haha


    But, yeah, that's my answer.

  12. muscle weighs more than fat. keep up the good work, wish i had the motivation.

  13. Losing fat, gaining muscle!

    Keep up the good work!

  14. Muscle weighs more than fat.

    Anyway, it's the inches that are lost, but you can still weigh the same.

    It's a funny thing.

  15. try drinking more water..

  16. It might be the oreos and twizzlers for dinner  or the GIANT muffin....water is the key, I take a gallon jug with me and try to drink it all day

  17. True, muscle weighs more than fat, fat is like a blob of gelatin, muscle is tightly packed fibers of protein.  I never worry about how much I weigh mainly because I know when I am training I am replacing the fat with muscle.

  18. Muscle is gain and fat is lost, the muscle counterbalances your fat loss.

  19. Well done J!!! Bet you look fan-tabby-dosie. :D If you look thin, you are thin! (You must treasure those random compliments).

    I am SO totally still jogging every single day... *doesn't look guilty, and doesn't eat more chocolate*

    Like the others said, you will have lost weight, and gained muscle. Keep at it girl!

  20. Muscle is heavy than fat. You gain muscle and lose fat.

  21. You lost fat and gained muscle. Your weight may not change, but your health did. Try a tape measure around your waist. It is more accurate. The scale just measures your fat and muscles and bones and everything combined. And you probably look thinner but haven't lost weight because muscle weighs more than fat.  

  22. You could have replaced some of the fat with muscle.

    Don't freak out about the number, too many people think the number is whats important, IT'S NOT.  It's all about how you look, how you feel, and how healthy you are.

  23. If you are in shape, DONT trust the scale.

    Muscle weighs a lot more than fat yet its much much smaller (more dense).

    A better calculator is your measurements or a high end body fat calculator.

    If you are eating right, and making muscle, you could actually be GAINING weight, but losing size!  This is a good thing as muscle takes energy to maintain and thus raises your metabolism allowing you to eat MORE calories in a day.  

    A great example is Michael Phelps.  He is eating sooo many calories in a day and looks great due to being solid muscle and high activity!

  24. you toned up and you gained muscle... muscle weighs more than fat as long as you feel better it doesn't matter what the scale says

  25. You are building muscle, which weighs more than fat so while you may not be losing numbers you are losing fat and building muscle

  26. You're building muscle, which is denser than fat.  Never mind the numbers, as long as you look good and feel good, who cares what the scale says.

  27. Muscle tone is replacing fat and muscle weighs more. You can slim down but weigh the same.

  28. How long have you ran for (how many miles a day!...) you might just be gaining muscle instead of burning fat?

    Instead of jogging every day try eating really healthy food and go to the gym or take a jog on the treadmill that way you will get the nutrients you need and you will also be loosing weight as well.

          The secret of losing a lot of pound in a month or even week is to eat healthy food and burn all of those carbohydrates while exercising. The key to burning carbohydrates if to eat a lot of nutrients every day!

    And one more thing once you loose weight Do Not go back to eating junk food or regular food every day, you would gain back the pounds and trust me you don't want that to happen! try eating a good, healthy meal at breakfast and lunch then eat a good but not SO unhealthy dinner .That should make you loose weight.

              Trust me i did it in 8th grade and i am still like that (i mean eating good healthy  meals at  and then eating good but not bad meals at healthy at dinner!)

    Thanks for taking the time to reade this I hope this helps. Good Luck!  

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