
How come I hear that I will cry when I read Breaking Dawn?

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So Bella and Edward end up together in the book but why do I keep hearing that it has a happy ending and a bad ending and that I'll cry during the whole thing? It doesn't make sense? Any answer will help! Thank you!




  1. It depends on who you're talking to. Some people REALLY  didn't like Breaking Dawn (like one of my friends), and she almost ripped her copy up because she was so disappointed. I, on the other hand, loved it and couldn't be happier. It really just depends on who you're talking to...some people wanted Bella to stay human, so they didn't like BD. Others didn't like how different she was as a vampire. They said she was now difficult to relate to now that she wasn't the awkward and clumsy high schooler that everyone came to know and love. I cried a little during the book, but that was mostly because I was so happy (especially with book one ;P) There are an awful lot of twists and turns in the plot though, and the suspense definitely had my heart rate up for a good long while. That kind of stuff gets to people sometimes. I'm just rambling...personally, I loved the book. If you adore Bella and Edward the way I do, you won't be disappointed. A warning though - the last one is very different from the other three. It's everything that I wasn't expecting...but that doesn't make it bad. Not at all :D

  2. I never read it.

  3. I forget but there is one part that almost made me cry.

  4. enjoy the book its amazing. i loved it but did not cry.

    although it did get pretty charged at some points.

  5. I never cried hahaha.

    Yeah, just read it. The ending is too happy, which makes it bad. There are some seriously sad parts, but nothing (for me at least) sob-worthy.

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