
How come I would rather jab a fork in my eye than get up in the mornings and go to work?

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I do hit the snooze button llike 3 times, I am NOT a morning person!

i do hate my job, I work in a non-profit organization. I have 2 bachelor degrees....didn't get me exactly where I wanted them too...




  1. Because going to work is more painful than Jabbing a fork in your eye. If that's the case, what is your pick? Jabbing a fork in your eye.

    I know what you're feeling. It's a routine. You have to go to work, in order to feed, clothe, live. Just try as much as you can to climb the ladder, and become your own Boss if you may, or the manager, by applying Common Sense, or getting a higher education.

  2. You probably hate your job, or you're not a morning person.  Why don't you try getting a night job.

  3. ..because if you dont like your work work f'n sucks

  4. Either you are lazy of hate your job.

  5. Well, since you aren't asking a question about how to get a fork out of your eye it is just your attitude! Perhaps you need to look at changing jobs...or getting more education so that you will be able to do a job that you love going to.

  6. LOL!!! I really hope you are not stabbing yourself in the eye with a fork but it's funny to think of that.  You are probably like other 80% of people that hate their jobs at different degrees.    You really need to think of getting a new job, I know that is easier said than done, but in my experience life is short and a job isn't that d**n important.  I mean, being a productive citizen is important but having a job like that is not worth your health.  You will have a stroke or heart attack by the time you are 30,

  7. you need a new job!!!!!!  if you're still pretty young, I would definitely try to find something else to do that I didn't hate!

  8. Must not like your job much, that's why

  9. Well, at least you are hones enough to admit you hate your job. Have you given thought to starting your own business?

    Secondly, loosen up on the friends. They are dragging you down if you are a night person. Live life for yourself and not somebody else.

    There comes a time when the friends must go. Think about what you rather be doing and make your college degrees work for you.

  10. well why dont you do that. ... then you get both things that you want .. a fork in your eye and an excuse to stay off work =)

  11. I believe a job should be much more than just a job. It should be a part of your life and something that you're passionate about. Personally I couldn't imagine getting a job where the only goal is to make money. The primary goal would be to gain very interesting knowledge and skills in my discipline, and as a consequence increase my personal value (value not for others, but for yourself). The secondary goal is to get paid for it.

    Some people use money as the primary motivator to drive them.

    Others use passion and value as the primary motivator (which I believe is the only sustainable way).

    And there are still others who find that they don't find money as a motivating factor, and they aren't passionate about any particular discipline.

  12. you deal with the public don't you

  13. Well if you jabbed a fork in your eye, you would have to go to the ER and wouldn't have to go to work. Problem solved! LOL!

  14. because youre smart.

  15. If you love your job, you'll never "work" a day in your life.

    You need to find a new job.

  16. OMG I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN! Lemme guess do you hit the snooze button 1-3 times...i know i do...

  17. A fork in the eye looks like the better option because you'd be happier working a night job or at least a job where you could go in later in the day.

    You are miserable working at a non-profit job because you see day in and out all the red tape etc. that keeps you from being able to help your clients.  And, dealing with people can be a very draining experience.

    Not that you asked, but if you aren't planning to update your resume and you don't have something your passionate about.  Find your passion and pursue it.  It will make it easier to go to that job.

  18. because work suks

  19. Because your lazy.

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