
How come JW's seem to not do research on their religion?

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Why does it seem that I know more about the history of Jehovah's Witnesses than they do? I know they study the Bible a lot, but it seems to me if they knew how this religion came about they would look into it a little more. ...?




  1. The Book Jehovah's Witnesses - Proclaimers of Gods Kingdom published by Jehovah's Witnesses, discusses the History of the Organization

    This link is to a WatchTower article from 2000 that explains the modern development of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Also there was a watchtower a couple of years ago that went over the refinements of doctrinal matters.

  2. It may SEEM that way to you but that's just your opinion.

    It's interesting that you make this claim but do not provide an example. Would it be too much trouble to ask you for an example of what you think would cause a change?

  3. Makes you wonder, in becoming a jw and not knowing about religion, which is the cause and which is the effect. ignorant people are easily fooled...

  4. didn't you know - they know it all already.  You can't teach a JW anything

  5. Hi dear. I will not say anything more. GrnLow has covered it all. Vot, you did well too. As does my other brothers and sisters. I just want to comment on GrnLow. Wow! And please I send everyone a very good day.!

  6. "seem" definition- to appear to be.

    That is not always the case.

    Appears to be that way to you.

    I know how it came about.

    and I still am here serving my God, Jehovah to the best of my ability.

    We can and do read or research other religious faiths.

    It's not about "not allowed", that is what false religions do to the people in their Congregation.

    Jehovah does not hold His servants back like that,

    as though we are forced into the faith we have chosen.


    grnlow, you said it So Well!

    You even had me LoL at

    fingers in the electric sockets.

  7. Uhhh, yeah, I do know the history of Jehovah's Witnesses. But please... go ahead and enlighten us while "not hastily giving out your opinion without thought"; which is just that... your opinion based on the usual hearsay. While you're at it, tell us about the Lutheran Church ( in which I was raised), Catholic Church and the rest of the various Christian religions too.

    Blessed to be a Jehovah's Witness

    Have a nice day  ;)


    Add... It is obvious by your response to "Contending", that you know nothing of the Jehovah's Witness religion. Otherwise, you would have known that is an anti-witness site and above all, we do not do not display a cross as it is a pagan symbol.

  8. And what is this great secret knowledge you have?

    Interesting.... go ahead.

    *stars so that the dozens of "ignorant" JWs on here come learn something*

    Post quick before they come- I want to be the first to know!!!!


    Hmmmmm.... it's taking you so long to post the things we supposedly don't know. You started to worry that we might not be so "ignorant" after all? Come on, be a dearie and share.

    Surely you don't expect us to just take your word for it, no?


    There really is no "revelation" right?

    Thought so.

    *goes to look for dinner*

  9. how come the christians seem to not do research on their religion?

    why does it seem that i know more about the history of christianity than they do? i know they supposedly read the bible a lot, but it seems to me if they knew how this religion came about they would look into it a little more....?

    stop picking on others.  

  10. From my understanding, they study the "parts" which come from headquarters. They do have very interesting literature, and I must give them credit for "attempting " to deliver the Good News. They just happen to delete the parts of The Bible pertaining to; the trinity, deity of Jesus Christ, the personality of the Holy Spirit, bodily Resurrection of Jesus Christ, immorality of the Soul, the atonement, the finished work of Christ, and h**l, eternal punishment. When they come to visit, which isn't much anymore, I just attempt to pour out The Father's love on them, God loves them too, and is patiently waiting on them to discover the whole Truth, and welcome them into HIS KINGDOM, not Charles Russell's.

  11. Yeah, it's Mormons too. Mention to your Mormon friend that he believes that all black people descended from Satan. He'll call you a racist liar, LOL.

  12. um...brainwashing sums it up....

    Example : The ss, n***s, etc...

  13. Your question is easy to answer and that is Jehovah's Witnesses have been led to believe if unless written by their society that it is twisted and not to be believed. As to Zen who made his Mormon remark he needs to quit listening to rumors and do a little research on his own. I'm Catholic and have lived around Mormons and studied there beliefs past and present and the official original teaching of the Mormon Church was that Blacks were cursed with their color for being cowards in a war in Heaven against Satan's Angels and thus were cast to earth and be cursed for ever. Then in 1973 i believe the year is correct the Prophet had a revealing and the teaching is no longer taught and blacks can now be full fledged members of the Mormon Church.

  14. There is an excellent publication entitled "Jehovah's Witnesses Proclaimers of God's Kingdom, that goes in depth into the the history of Jehovah's Witnesses.  

    It really is the best source.  I would never encourage someone to go on any site online, those hate sites are not a good source of reference; they have proven to be inaccurate.

    The only legit site that i know of is:

    I hope this helps. Peace

  15. The same is true for Christianity, among other faiths.

  16. I do know about our history.  I lived some of it and read about the rest.  What is interesting is how you may read the same thing and come up with entirely different conclusions.

    You read that early JWs were wrong about some things while Christendom [all religions claiming to be Christian proving by their beliefs they are really not] refuses to change anything.  What do you conclude?  Of course that all JWs must be wrong and you must not listen to anything they say?

    When you were 4, where did you say babies come from?  Somehow, I don't think you gave the right answer.  Does that mean you should never be given any trust?  You were wrong then!

    While Christendom continues to look under cabbage patch leaves or up in the air for storks carrying babies, JWs take an adult approach.  As we get older and learn more, we change and adapt to new knowledge.

    Those early JWs came out of years of false religion.  They held on to primitive false beliefs of Christendom like---well, yourself apparently.  they slowly had to examine the Bible to determine exactly what it did say without regard to the pagan doctrines accepted by Christendom for centuries to build their numbers and their power.

    They did not have all the material and information we do today to understand what the Bible's views are on matters.  They had to do it the hard way, by hand, reading individual chapters, putting them together to get the meaning.

    They knew dates were important.  They did not have a full understanding of why.  Like a child, they thought when they discovered something it meant right away it would happen.  They could not conceive coming out of the relative peace of the 1800s, the devastation of WWI followed by the Spanish Flu of 1918.  [Civil War not withstanding.]  Neither could they conceive of today 7 million JWs with double that number studying and interested ones.  Some no doubt fell out of their chairs when numbers got to 100,000.

    The beginning of knowledge, that God has a personal name, was not lost on them.  Why is it hidden by Christendom's clergy?  They discovered from examining the Bible that Christ was not equal to God.  He said so himself at John 14:28.  So trinity was not true.  The clergy still keeps laity in diapers.  Hellfire likewise was a way for clergy to keep everyone in line with threats.  The Bible teaches simply the dead cannot feel torture, so how could there be hellfire torture? (Eccles. 9:5, 10)  Those early JWs also learned how that to worship Jehovah faithfully and please Him, we must not have any mixing of paganism with truth. (1John 3:18)  Today, any Internet search or encyclopedia will tell one of the pagan origins of most holidays and celebrations.  Yet Christendom still holds on forcefully and fearfully to them.  Why?

    Yes, like babies or young children that stick their fingers in electric sockets and other things, early JWs made their share of mistakes coming out of false religion as they all did,  The real point is that they corrected them.  Why have not the other religions calling themselves Christian?

  17. It's not just JW's, Sweetie.

  18. They are too busy making it up as they go along. Colossians 1:19 and 2:9. Says that ALL the FULLNESS of God dwelled in THE FLESH.  They are just lost without acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

  19. It's a lost cause

    You're hitting your head against a brick wall

  20. They blindly follow, without reading the Holy Bible on their own, without the little booklets.

    If they read it on their own, they would find out Jesus is God, and there is a fiery h**l that torments it's citizens forever. Just to name a couple of their flawed beliefs.  

  21. We have a "HISTORY" book on our religion.  It is called :

    Jehovah’s Witnesses—Proclaimers of God’s Kingdom

    We also have a book that we have studied called:

    Mankind’s Search for God

    That teaches us about other religions.

  22. As with all people, different interests makes for different focus.

    Some love history, as I do, and others avoid it like a plague.

    I am proud of this organization, because the changes reflects the desire to do God's will better as we understand it better.

    Brother Russell, back over a century ago had some misconceptions. But he also had the rock solid basis of facts, too. So, I am proud to be part of that start he made back then.

  23. Some of us do know how the Witnesses came to be.  There is nothing wrong with doing research.  Jehovah has given us all Free will and its up to us individually, how we choose to use it.

    The brother who is said to have started it all, was a baptist minister - however his intense research into scripture and history drew him to conclude that a lot of the churches teachings were not from the bible.  He promoted that we all need to look into scripture, its not just a habit for the clergy.  He also made know God's true name - Jehovah.

  24. Religion does not come from a Book, or Preaching.

    It comes from The Heart and Faith that one chooses to believe.

  25. oh my friend,i am j.w.and i will let you know we have to do research on our origin before being baptisedwe know the answers as to the origin,do you?jesus first followers were wittnesses it says so in bible at acts 1;8 and acts 13;31 but as to how in the earlier years of forming jehovahs wittnesses ,there is nothing wrong with it at all,why do you feel it is?i'll tell you we know all about it!we also do research on all other religions so we can better understanding while teaching them about the bible truths.ty for your time!.we are allowed to resaerch on other religions,and it is for alls benifit do study your own and where it came from and if thier teaching truths from the bible GODS word.if we dont know what others believe,how can we have disscusions?so not only are we allowed to study other religions beliefs we have our own books on them.its very important to not be ignorant.


  26. Some do, some don't. This goes for any religion.

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