
How come Jamaican can run so fast? Thanks.?

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What did their Mama feed them?




  1. Food most likely.

    Also, the Jamaicans aren't sitting around wondering what the Americans do to get faster...the Jamaicans are out there running.

    Hmm. think about that for a while.

  2. the vast majority of Jamaicans are of West African ancestry most commonly the country of Ghana.

    West Africa- Low flat lands

    Oxygen levels are high allowing; Human adaptations for bigger bodies structures ie more muscular this is because the more oxygen the more easier oxygenated blood can process allowing more bigger muscles. Thighs legs butt & arms are where they are most developed. All this allows these people the ability to also use much more energy or their bodies are adapted to use more due to their bodie structure and higher oxygen levels, jumping running and pushing motions are quicker.

    These traits give the ones who train the ability to suceed greatly in sprinting activities which include jumping and ones which include fast arms ie Sprinters, Basketball & Boxing

    This means people of west African ancestry have inherited these traits even if they were born in hills or on the moon these traits will last for many thousands of years till they adapt again to their new regions till then Caribbeans  Black Americans and other west African descendants in the western world will dominate leg and arm using sports

  3. there is a certain anciant tribe, where they all ran around up on a high mountain, so they learned to use very litle oxygen, thats why there sooooooo fast! they are either a member of that tribe, or a decindent from an acistor. :)

  4. haha idk. i was wondering that too. when i was watching a track meet on tv the a few weeks ago they were talking about a fast sprinter from kenya and how it was unusual because eastern africans generally run long distance and western africa is generally sprinters (just what they said on tv). they also said caribbeans (?) are pretty fast because of the columbian exchange /slave trade hundreds of years ago. i dont know, maybe something to do with evolution (some people dont beleive in that) but i think it has to do something with adaptations to the environment and stuff.

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