
How come NHL refs can't do this?

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Okay, for those of you who aren't baseball fans, over the past couple weeks there have been many homerun calls that are debatable and they made some wrong calls. The next day the umpires admitted they messed up. Some quotes are "I [bleeped] it up. It was my fault. I did it."

How come NHL refs can't do this. They make excuses. For example, when Datsyuks goal was called back in the Dallas series, the refs said "His butt was in the crease." Well, it obviously wasn't. Why can't you just admit you were wrong.

Now, I know no ones perfect, but at least admit your mistakes.

Your thoughts?




  1. I agree -- you know, Babcock was less upset about the call than he was about the excuse.  We all know refs aren't perfect - no one is - and if they'd just say, "Yeah, I missed it," like you said, they'd get a lot more respect and a lot less grief when controversial calls happen.

  2. refs are retards and will never admit they were wrong

  3. i wish they would admit they were wrong sometimes. i think that fans and players would respect them more if they would admit when they made a bad call. if a baseball ump. can admit it i think a nhl ref could admit it too. Sometimes i think that the refs think that they are better than everyone and sometimes i think they wish that they could be playing the game so they want to control it

  4. they should do this

  5. The league doesn't let them. The refs are generally not allowed to comment on the games they officiate. It basically comes down to the stubbornness of the NHL- the same stubbornness that turned the NHL into a second-rate sport after its initial popularity increase in the early 90s. They care more about their money and pride than they care about the game.

  6. They probably shouldn't say anything either way.  No excuses, no admissions.  I hope their bosses are watching closely and weed out the ones that make too many mistakes!

  7. I don't think that would be a good idea.  It would be nice, and the accountability would be there, but that would just fuel more fires.

    I think home runs are a different issue.  They are SOO far away from the play that for that reason alone that play should be reviewable.  ONLY HOMERUNS THOUGH.

  8. refs just think they are all that and that they cant get anything wrong.

  9. What's sad is they have video review, but the ref's are so adamant about there calls sometimes as if they know better/best without review. ANY questionable goal, should then be looked at to determine whether it is in or not.

  10. Because NHL refs are blind.

  11. man up

    exactly, all refs say is that, thats how the game went


  12. They NHL refs will never admit their mistakes, because through their perspective they are doing everything right.

  13. You're totally right! They aren't even allowed to be interviewed!

  14. It would be nice but if they started admiting their mistakes, they'de lose all the respect and control needed to ref a decent game.

  15. Beer league refs aren't much better. I used to play in a roller hockey league in California whose primary ref was so blind my teammates and I would call him "Helen" .. his sidekick was a Chicano named Alfredo, and we didn't mince our words about his zebra imitation either, calling him "Fettuchini"

  16. I don't think NHL refs are allowed to talk with the media. (I could be wrong)

  17. Well I wish refs would just admit when they make a mistake. In any league just have the refs admit they messed up. Sure that apology doesn't get you anything, but it is better then nothing. Actually I really wish that the league would do something when they make mistakes against the same team a few times in short time. I'm not really sure what can be done though, just get annoyed when a team is on the bad end and just get told oh sorry we screwed up your season/series.

  18. Well for one, the NHL is biased against the Red Wings.  The Wings are one of the highest grossing franchises in hockey.  They also lead the nation in sales of merchandise.  It will stay this way regardless of whether the Wings win the cup or not.

    Pittsburg on the other hand is a team that came from absolutely nothing.  Crosby is a huge player in the eyes of the NHL and they want to market the h**l out of him.  If Pittsburgh wins the cup it would be a huge boost to sales in a formerly slumping market to a sports leauge that has been steadily losing sales ever since the strike.

    In short, watch the games and the calls.  The NHL is pressuring the refs to assist teams playing against Detroit.

  19. your right moose im with you 100%

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